Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Nick Cook

Date submitted
18 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Whilst I support green energy and wind power I object to the destruction of our heritage coast line. I firmly believe there are better locations for the proposed substations without ripping up AONB, destroying villages, wildlife habitat, the tourist industry, shops, restaurants and small businesses. It will cause an everlasting destruction of one of our country’s most natural and original coastal areas and communities. It is utterly abhorrent to even think that Scottish Power would not opt for an alternative. In the race for profits they have chosen to bully local communities and rough ride over the opinions and feelings of local residents, causing severe mental anguish to hundreds of people. All independent experts in the fields of landscape, heritage, noise and flooding have all concluded that Scottish Power’s preliminary Environmental Information Report was very poor unimpressive and potentially misleading. Both local councils have supported the evidence provided and rejected Scottish Powers plans. The entire population of Suffolk oppose their plans.