Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Jayne Bridge

Date submitted
19 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objection to this, for the following reasons:- 1) Damage that it will do to a rural village 2) Years of impact this will have on village life 3) Lost of valve in property 3a) Village will become a place that no one wants to come to 3b) Not able to sell properties 3c) Peoples lively hoods destroyed complete income 4) Road destruction, 4a) Wildlife habitat lost plus wildlife destroyed 4b) walks and bike ride now becoming not safe any more 5) How the village will cope with high volumes of HGV vehicles through narrow roads 6) Major Accident just waiting to happen. not only with, heavy vehicles, plant equipment, and materials being brought in 6a) what procedures does the emergency services have in place to cope with this, taking in to account the high volume of traffic that will be using the roads. 7) What plans and safety procedures do you have in place to minimise 8) What plans do you have in place if a major incident happens what evacuation plans do you have in place and how will this effect the village people 9) What about if there is an incident at Sizewell which are just up the road. 9a) How would you cope with the impact and the evacuation process that have My partner and I moved to Friston for the lovely village environment, peace and quiet, No crime, lovely county side surroundings and walks. we are now facing this eyesore being impacted on our county life and so close to our village I appreciate that we need to look to the further and help the environment but so close to a village there must be better industrial areas or better suited places