Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Derek Brough

Date submitted
19 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This project is being sited so close to Friston Village that we can almost touch it. We will be living cheek to jowl with it. It cannot be right that such a huge industrial complex should be built near to a beautiful quiet village. CUMULATIVE IMPACT of all of the likely future projects; Sizewell C, Nautilus, Eurolink, Galloper, HUMAN IMPACT not just to wildlife but to those who will life literally on the edge of this project; nothing previously has been built so close to a functioning village. We can see this project from our Grade 2* listed Church. Its unprecedented and unnecessary to be so close to the village. LANDSCAPE - the visual harm cannot be mitigated and the proposed mitigation by way of trees will take many years to grow. HERITAGE – the site is ringed by listed buildings. 5 grade II and two grade II* SITE SELECTION – there has been defective process re National Grid works. LAND USE will be substantial LIGHT POLLUTION during construction and operation. I think this is grossly underestimated. SOCIO ECONOMIC – ONSHORE – this will not give permanent jobs to the local community. It will put off tourists both in the short and long term which will impact on tourism revenues and jobs. FLOOD RISK - I don’t accept that this is property investigated yet. Friston already has flooding and I don’t believe that proper assessment of the Friston Watercourse and drainage has been done. Sorting this out after the event could be disastrous for the village. NOISE - I don’t accept we will not hear this project. Bramford – of which this is a mirror image, is a long way from residential properties. TRAFFIC & TRANSPORT - it will be inevitable that lorries and traffic will “short cut” through the heart of Friston CABLE CORRIDOR ISSUES are being glossed over. Huge amounts of cables literally being bulldozed through communal and country areas. Destruction of woodland. Unacceptable siting to residential properties.