Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Jonathan Thomson

Date submitted
19 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

For the attention of the Examining Authority, RE: East Anglia TWO, I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons: 1. The cumulative impact on local communities in this area of up to seven energy projects occurring consecutively over 12-15 years; 2. The unsuitablility and fragility of Thorpeness Cliffs as the site for landing cables; 3. The use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for a very large sub-station complex; 4. Threats to flora and fauna in Sandlings Heath and elsewhere in this AONB; 5. Destruction of ancient woodland; 6. Our local road network is not capable of or built for the high traffic levels that will be required, including the need for even more HGVs; 7. Light pollution; 8. Noise pollution; Air pollution, if only from the increased traffic; 9. Increased traffic congestion, endangering local pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, and also creating potential for delays to emergency services; 10. Impact on tourism, which in turn would create a negative impact on local businesses and employment; 11. Permanent and temporary closure of footpaths, bridlepaths and cycle paths; 12. Emergency evacuation routes from Sizewell would be severely and negatively impacted. For these reasons I object to this planning application. It is not that I object to the development of renewable energy, but they must not be allowed to destroy an ancient and irreplaceable environment.