Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Mr W Seale

Date submitted
20 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We wish to object to Scottish Power Renewables East Anglia Two planning application for the following reasons. It is evident that, not only SPR, but other similar projects will be brought to land in our Parish. For the next decade up to seven wind farms will attempt to make their way through a narrow corridor in a protected area of the county. It seems little forethought has been applied in this matter. SPR might complete its work in a couple of years only for another such company to go down the self same track the next year to site a massive substation in another small village. There is little or no joined-up thinking in this process and will only lead to years of misery for our local population and a permanent catastrophe for our landscape. Until such time when all routes and projects are finalised no such work should be started. What is the point of planning when there is evidently no forward thinking going on here. An answer would be to abandon the pointless waste of resources that is Sizewell C and land all of these projects and connect to the Grid there from an offshore ring main connecting these projects. Some thought needs to be applied here at the highest level of government here!