Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Jane MacFarlane

Date submitted
21 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I do not object to wind farms, electricity from this source is needed. What I object to are the electric companie, mainly foreign, who looked at a map of East Anglia and planned the easiest, i.e. cheapest, route to distribute the electricity. The fact that this map represents a living environment for people, ancient woodland, flora, fauna, birds and businesses seemed to have been treated as a minor inconvenience. When offshore substations can be built why, decimate unspoilt countryside with an initial complex of approximately 97,200 sq. mtrs.(with more to follow) and 11km cable trenches, destroying a fragile ecosystem. The transport system is already on overload, especially at peak periods, with numerous tailbacks, and will hinder even more, emergency vehicle access. Millions of pounds generated by one of the largest businesses, tourism, in this area, will be threatened by the resulting building and congestion. Who wants to holiday in the proposed East Suffolk Energy Building Sites during the next 15 a 20 years! We are a small island with finite countryside, once destroyed it will not return, robbing our future generations.