Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by William Matthew

Date submitted
21 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  • I disagree with the project and its location and do not want it to go ahead. - This project in its entirety appears to be totally at odds with the fact that this is a designated AONB. The idea that an AONB is even being considered as location seems counter-intuitive. - The roads around Thorpeness, Leiston and Aldeburgh already have a continuous flow of traffic due to the influx of visitors all year round. They simply couldn't manage the traffic proposed by the project in a way which protects the residents and visitors, both young and old. - There are a number of businesses that thrive in the area due to the influx of visitors. If the area were to become less attractive, less welcoming for children, adults and the elderly, less safe, and harder to get to the visitor numbers would precipitously decline putting many of these businesses at risk of failure. - The beach in Thorpeness and the surrounding area is continuously changing and a number of houses in Thorpeness are at risk near the cliffs. Should there be further man-made changes to the seabed it could have a knock-on effect on the wave formations putting further pressure on areas where there is significant land erosion. - In general, wind farms are a fantastic proposition. However, there are thousands of miles of coastline which could be used for such purpose. The idea of cramming all of these together in one place, especially it being an AONB, is detrimental to the quality of live for those that live there. There are clearly a number of other locations which would be suitable. If these areas are less economic then they should be subsidised by the government. The quality of people's lives should not be interfered with simply because ScottishPower Renewables wishes to pursue the easiest and most cost-effective course of action.