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Representation by Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council (Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council)

Date submitted
21 January 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

I believe that the Initial Assessment of the Principal Issues must acknowledge the very real concerns raised regarding the cumulative impact of this and the other energy NSIP’s coming forward on this coast and, at least, make reference to this concern for the SoS to consider. The project itself, should it be consented, must be clearly linked to its sister application and conditions be applied to ensure that the cable route is laid and populated for both projects at the same time. The sandy topsoil along the cable route is in one of the driest areas of the country and particular conditions must be applied to ensure dust is effectively controlled continuously throughout construction. The disruption which will be caused by the crossing west of Knodishall on the B1069 must be quantified and conditions applied to ensure it is not used during peak periods of the daily commute. The Town Council continues to believe that the construction of such visually intrusive complexes and such large-scale industrial developments where they are now being proposed will always be wholly uncharacteristic to this area and will affect tourism and local amenity on a large scale. This will be addressed by other interested parties The proposed landfall at Thorpeness and associated cable route will severely affect our community’s quality of life and leave a visual blight on the landscape for many years to come. It is unacceptable to place these complexes within the close confines of rural villages like Friston and they should be located in positions better able to accommodate and disguise them. We still believe that any of the sites originally proposed to the west of Leiston in the onshore study area would extend and introduce the industrial development area right out into the countryside in a random fashion blighting a beautiful and agricultural landscape to an unacceptable degree and should not be used. If this does get approval it must be on the basis that the cable trenches will be filled in as soon as possible as the cable route moves west rather than the whole length laying open for years to come. Do a section at a time and re-instate. That working hours in the compounds and on the haul roads be brought in to 7.30am – 5pm to give local residents and walkers etc. some dust free and noise free recreation time in their gardens and in the countryside. The A1094, as it passes the junction to the B1069 (Blackheath Corner) should have a 40mph limit imposed. The detailed work done by SPR is noted but there should be another study done to look at changing the whole layout and visibility at this junction to increase safety of local residents further. The carriageway should be widened on B1069 from Blackheath to Knodishall as it will be very intimidating for motorists encountering continual (100% increase) HGV traffic. The B1069 from Blackheath to Knodishall is difficult for local drivers when buses or HGV’s are encountered. The carriageway must be widened for this stretch. Issues with the A12 Friday Street junction and Sizewell Gap Road.