Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Stanley Spilman

Date submitted
21 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would first like to say that I hope that the Irony of trying to legislate against 'representations' that are not 'vexatious' is not lost on the Planning Inspectorate. The amount of fear, frustration and anxiety that has been levelled at the communities around the effected area, compounded by the sheer unilateralism and hubris with which this enterprise has been rolled out is very worrying, and indicative of a distinct and deliberate beclouding of the line between the Public and Private interests. It is well known that there exists in Whitehall, a policy of a 'Revolving Door' towards people involved in the planning and commissioning of public projects and their Private Sector counterparts - thus how can ordinary UK citizens trust that when they are told that something is 'within their best interest', they don't assume, as I do; that there are many other interests at play here? Especially when the Company in question wants to build a Cheaper Substation on Land instead of a more efficient Station at Sea. A Historic landscape and community is more important than Scottish Power's Shareholders.