Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Clare Palmier

Date submitted
22 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

1.The Suffolk coast is an essential cultural, natural and heritage asset for the area and integral to its local economy and community. 2. Much of the coastline is AONB and should be protected as such. 3. There is an option for an offshore hub instead of many substations proposed by separate companies with their own interest and agendas to pursue. 4. One offshore hub could effectively bring in power from windfarms and centralise this function while protecting the coastline 5. There hasn't been adequate consultation with the community or adequate promotion of the issues at stake and the risk to the coast or the amount and area of construction and change that will be involved both during construction and as a result of the building of several substations.