Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Alan Simpson

Date submitted
23 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned about the enormous impact the above proposed project would have on my life and the surrounding area. I fully support both SASES & Friston Parish Council views relating to the project. The visual impact on our village of the sub-stations would be enormous. Scottish Power’s mitigation will have minimal benefit as the tree planting will be too long establishing to ever effectively screen the site & would be subject to maintenance being carried out ie. watering & weed control (on previous sites this was not carried out) I live in (Redacted) Friston & am concerned about the additional flood risk of this development, both during construction & when completed. SPR has failed to properly address this. We already suffer from flooding to properties now without more water being discharged into the water course. The increased traffic generated by this project would create gridlock on our narrow country lanes & roads from Thorpeness to Friston. We already have problems at busy times with ‘rat runs’ & this project will make it impossible to travel around the area. I am very concerned with the implications this would have on implementing the Evacuation Plan if there was a nuclear incident at Sizewell B. Tourism has been very important to this area for many years & would suffer badly if this project takes place, losing both tourism jobs & others in the supply & maintenance sectors. The proposed development will also result in the loss of good farm land at the sub-station site as well as the disruption along the cable route. These scars could become permanent if proposed additional projects are implemented as trees cannot be replanted over the cables, leaving permanent scars in the area of the AONB & wider countryside. The inevitable light pollution & constriction noise will disturb wildlife. The peace & quiet is why people live in & visit this area. The loss of footpaths, some permanent & during construction over possibly many years will have a devastating effect on the quality of lfe here. SPR have been at best evasive & at worst misleading throughout the consultation process. I attended the first consultation presentation in Leiston & was told that the sub-station site would be near Sizewell & the coast, that site 7 at Friston would not be considered. This resulted in there being no representation on the implications of the sub-station put forward from Friston residents about the impact of it being so close to people’s homes.