Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by John Hickling

Date submitted
23 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Examining Authority, I wish to submit the following objections against the Scottish Power Renewables Planning Application: Adverse impact upon road network around Aldeburgh and Friston: 1. Local road network unsuitable for the high traffic levels and more HGVs. Danger of serious bottlenecks and congestion. 2. The A1094 Aldeburgh (Saxmundham Road) and B1122 Aldeburgh to Leiston currently present congestion due to residential/business/tourist traffic. The B1122 in particular due to no off road parking for residents. 3. Increase volume in vehicles a danger to cyclists and residents ? Emergency Services access restrictions. 4. As a tourist area relying on visitor income - negative impact on businesses and Loss of trade. Aldeburgh is not a town to pass through. The volume of traffic at the roundabout on the A1094 where Tesco's and The Coop are situated is already significant during the height of the tourist season. Environment concerns in the Parish of Friston: 1. The extent of excavation to lay cables when weighed against the damaging effects on the countryside, wildlife and people's property and lifestyle quality is not addressed nor quantified. 2. Aggressive and inadequate compulsory purchase orders on access to property by Scottish Power do confirm this. The concept of Wind Farms and Renewable energy is viable. I do not believe the impact upon the environment and local people has been considered sufficiently. I would urge you to take my constructive objections into consideration. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to express my major concerns. John Hickling