Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Mrs Rosemary Fleet

Date submitted
24 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to support the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council . The proposed project will completely dominate Friston and our peaceful, rural idyll will be lost forever. The site extends much closer to residential properties than previous such developments and with the cable runs, etc, a large area of the district would be affected. Friston is within the Sizewell exclusion zone and should evacuation be advised, the road network would not cope now. Jobs might be available in the construction phase but more would be lost without tourism and its supporting businesses. Flooding eg from field run off is a major concern in Friston - the proposed 'ponds' if released could prove devastating. Noise and light pollution will be constant once development begins, affecting residents and wildlife. Traffic - it will be impossible to leave Friston without encountering construction and associated traffic. Around Friston several footpaths will be closed or diverted diminishing the enjoyment of our neighbourhood. The site at Friston is good agricultural land and at a time when the country needs to become as self-sufficient as possible, to use this land for industrial development is not good practice - Brownfield or lower grade land should be used. Everyone in Friston will be severely affected by the proposed development both during and after the construction phase - the increased traffic, noise and light pollution [especially during 24 hour work periods] together with disruption to daily life will be intolerable.