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Representation by National Grid (National Grid)

Date submitted
24 January 2020
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Dear Sir/Madam REPRESENTATION BY NATIONAL GRID ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION PLC (“NGET”) TO THE EAST ANGLIA ONE NORTH OFFSHORE WINDFARM AND THE EAST ANGLIA TWO OFFSHORE WINDFARM DCOs NGET wishes to make a relevant representation to the above DCOs in relation to the matters set out below. Support for the Proposed Development Firstly, NGET would like to confirm that it does not object to the proposed development, indeed, the DCOs seek consent to deliver infrastructure that will be owned and operated by NGET. That infrastructure includes a new NGET substation and the DCOs include flexibility for either a AIS or a GIS substation to be implemented should the DCOs be approved. NGET supports this flexibility as, the ability for NGET to choose which type of substation to implement will to assist NGET in complying with its statutory duty under Section 9(2) of the Electricity Act 1989 to “develop and maintain an efficient, co-ordinated and economical system of electricity transmission”. Duty to Protect Existing Assets In addition, as a responsible statutory undertaker, NGET’s primary concern is to meet its statutory obligations and ensure that any development does not impact in any adverse way upon those statutory obligations. As such NGET has a duty to protect its position in relation to infrastructure and land which is within or in close proximity to the Order Limits of the proposed development. NGET’s rights to retain its apparatus in situ and rights of access to inspect, maintain, renew and repair such apparatus located within or in close proximity to the Order Limits should be maintained at all times and access to inspect and maintain such apparatus must not be restricted. NGET can confirm that it is liaising with the applicant in relation to the protective provisions included within the DCOs to ensure that its interests are adequately protected and to ensure compliance with relevant safety standards. NGET will continue to liaise with the applicant in this regard with a view to concluding matters as soon as possible during the DCO Examinations. SuDs Ponds/Basins As per Table 20.3 of the East Anglia TWO Environmental Statement (document reference 6.1.20), and East Anglia ONE North Environmental Statement (document reference 6.1.20), we note that the applicant retains the option to install further attenuation measures along the existing surface water flow route during the detailed design phase. The Applicant has committed to providing an additional ‘surface water management SuDS basin’ (currently identified as concept within Chapter 29 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, and in the OLEMS (document reference 8.7) to reduce water in-flow rates to the substation area and potentially reduce flood risk for the village of Friston, in addition to the Surface Water Drainage Strategy currently proposed. Confirmation of the size, volume and location of this additional ‘surface water management SuDS basin’ will follow establishment of an appropriate catchment hydraulic model and the detailed design of the onshore substation and National Grid substation. As a result, the additional attenuation and wider catchment benefit associated with this proposed additional ‘surface water management SuDS basin’ is not therefore incorporated within this chapter and is therefore a worst-case scenario. NGET will contribute to the design of these further attenuation measures which must ensure that the operation of the proposed NGET infrastructure being consented is not compromised. NGET reserves the right to make further representations as part of the Examination process but in the meantime will continue to liaise with the applicant with a view to reaching agreement on all matters raised. I hope the above information is useful. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely Spencer Jefferies Town Planner, Land and Acquisitions.