Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Susan Seabrook

Date submitted
24 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. (Redacted) was purchased in October 2017. There was no indication on relevant Searches that SPR's cabling route would pass within 60m. of my new home and 10m. from the garden or that there were any plans at all of a cabling route coming ashore within a few hundred metres of this property. I downsized to the cottage in order to enjoy a peaceful retirement in a beautiful, peaceful environment close to the sea and to be able to enjoy a life of walking, cycling, bird-watching, swimming right from my doorstep. And, being able to pay for myself for care in old age. I now find that this may not be possible if SPR's plans are accepted to come ashore at Thorpeness with their cabling route. Unasked-for stress now dominates my daily life - given the possibility of massive air pollution from heavy machinery and traffic and being overwhelmed by dust from excavations in a wholly sandy soil. (redacted) 2) The East Suffolk coastline is getting washed away at an alarming rate; this will not be helped by SPR's coastal activities at Thorpeness. 3) For generations this area has been used for leisure activities. These will become impossible with the destruction of b and c roads, public footpaths and bridleways. This has been a safe area for families, wildlife, tourist activities: it will become a no-go area if SPR have their way. None of the roads are suitable for the volume/weight of construction site vehicles. 4) This is a tourist area - something Suffolk has worked seriously hard towards for the past 30+ years. There is a good level of employment and this is a happy area enjoying the untold benefits of having an unspoiled peaceful coast, with beautiful villages and areas of outstanding natural beauty in which to enjoy all that implies. If SPR receive planning permission to come ashore at Thorpeness, trench to Sizewell then on to Friston a way of life will be ruined and all that we enjoy now will be forcibly removed for the foreseeable future. 5) Friston is a small unspoiled village, sitting within valuable agricultural land and is totally unsuitable for the construction of a electrical substation with all the horrors that implies - light pollution, noise pollution and air pollution not to mention the filth that will be created from such a development. It is unthinkable and our local citizens should not be made to suffer in this way. 6) SPR should think outside the box, develop an offshore ring main and stop ruining tracts of our precious countryside willy-nilly wherever they fancy.