Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Sarah Dawson

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the development of offshore wind energy but am very concerned about the plans for the onshore transmission structure. I would like to see an alternative solution realised that would involve offshore hubs and ring mains or that uses brownfield sites. The timing of this planned work, which would be running concurrently with projected work at Sizewell C, compounds the environmental impact and stresses on local communities. The size and extent of this project would have a massive impact on the local environment; important, fragile sites such as Thorpeness cliffs are unsuitable for the projected works. Mitigating works to attempt to restore the environment post project can never replace areas such as ancient heaths and woodland - environments we should be protecting, not destroying. Works of this size covering the projected time period will have a detrimental effect on small villages and towns impacting not only on inhabitants' home lives but also on tourism and local businesses vital to this area. The local road network cannot sustain the projected increase in traffic and HGV use. Narrow roads and residential areas will become more dangerous. Visitors come to this special part of the UK to experience the relatively unspoilt coast and countryside with the specific Suffolk style of towns and villages as well as wildlife habitats; these things are to be treasured and celebrated not irrevocably destroyed. Can't some less detrimentally impactful way of producing the power we need be found?