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Representation by Reydon Parish Council (Reydon Parish Council)

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

Reydon Parish Council is totally in favour of renewable energy, but want to see further consideration given to the proposed size of the turbines off this heritage coast and the impact they will have on the Suffolk Coast Heaths and ANOB. The PC also have concerns on the way the energy is to be brought on shore. The PC objects to the location of the proposed substation and associated development at Friston due to the scale of the impact on the community and environment and understand that there are alternatives for example - off shore hubs and ringmains. The PC are also very concerned on the cumulative impacts resulting from the uncoordinated development of these and other energy projects along the Suffolk Coast. In all regards Reydon PC agree with Suffolk County Council and Natural England's objections.