Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Jane Rossin

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Please consider my representations regarding the proposed East Anglia TWO project. These focus particularly on those aspects that would affect my life and well-being during the lengthy construction phases. • The proposal to dig 9km cable trenches from landfall at Thorpeness to a substation site at Friston is illogical when a site on land close to Sizewell would make more sense and be far preferable. • I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. • The proposed cable corridor and haul road which cross the B1122 Aldeburgh Road is far too close to the boundary of my property (Redacted). • A very large number of mature trees on Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham will be removed destroying an environment which houses a large amount of wildlife and which provides a screen along the boundary of my property. • I am seriously concerned regarding noise pollution during the time of the cable corridor construction, which could extend into a decade or further due to other energy projects occurring (EA1N, Nautilus, Eurolink, Galloper expansion, Greater Gabbard expansion). The area is at present deeply rural with no traffic noise and that was a very important factor in my having chosen to live here. I believe that the Applicant has underestimated construction noise. As construction would be so close to my property I believe there would be considerable vibration too. • 30 dBA is the generally accepted background night time level in such quiet rural settings but the Applicant proposes that 65 dBA as an acceptable limit for daytime construction noise and has attempted to convince residents that noise impact at 35 receptor selected sites bordering the construction corridor would be either ‘negligible’ or ‘minor’. This is contrary to common sense, demonstrates a lack of understanding of the nature of sound propagation in the countryside and ignores the present much lower levels of background noise in this generally tranquil rural area of countryside. • The skies around my home are totally dark at night with no outside lights visible. I am most concerned that construction and security lighting will greatly impinge on this. • I am concerned regarding air quality during construction; fumes from construction vehicles on the haul road and extra traffic on all other roads; dust from the very light sandy soil in this area that when disturbed and blown by the wind causes breathing difficulties. • Traffic disruption on Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham whilst trench work is carried out would be unacceptable. I believe the Applicant must be required to put forward an alternative method such as micro-boring the cables under the road to limit inevitable disruption from the proposed open trench crossings. Increased traffic along very narrow country lanes unsuitable for HGVs and other large vehicles is a great cause of concern. • Regarding the proposed cable crossing of the River Hundred in Aldringham which is at the bottom of my garden. Although a small stream, the River Hundred floods into my garden during and after periods of prolonged rain. If pumps are going to be used while diverting the river, these would also create noise pollution, something else which has not been addressed. END