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Representation by Peter Donker Curtius

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam Firstly I would like to say that I support the representation made by SASES and Friston Parish Council objecting to the proposed sub-station being sited on the edge of the village of Friston. Having attended numerous meetings on the subject over the last year, Scottish Power Renewables have failed to put forward a cohesive and convincing argument in favour of their proposed site. Whilst my objections to SPR’s proposals are manyfold they can be reduced to the following: - Why do SPR feel it is OK to land their cables in the near vicinity of Sizewell Power Station (where the National Grid pilons start) and run a 50 meter-wide trench for seven miles across countryside, roads, farmland and private properties to end up on the edge of Friston, blighting the whole area in the process? - Why did SPR decide on a location devoid of road infrastructure, prone to flooding and in the middle of beautiful undisturbed countryside? In short, and aware of the mammoth task ahead of you, I feel that SPR should be made to look again at the alternative options available to them, namely linking-up to the National Grid at Sizewell or better still, link up off shore to one of the many other existing or proposed energy projects being discussed at the moment.