Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Susan Osben

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the Scottish Power planning application for the following reasons: - the countryside designated for the substation and other infrastructure is unsuitable, being in and close to an AONB - the Thorpeness cliffs are fragile and unstable, in common with much of this part of the east coast. There was a fatality due to the crumbling cliffs only a year ago. - the proposed cable trenches will destroy environmentally sensitive and precious areas and also destroy ancient woodlands which should be protected. - the local road network is unsuitable for the levels of traffic involved in construction. Dangerous. - the threat to native wildlife and migrating species is unacceptable. - the cable trenches and haul roads are too close to residential homes and wildlife habitats. - the Suffolk Coasts and Heaths AONB should be protected not destroyed. - the cumulative effect of this and other proposed energy projects should not be underestimated. This area relies on tourism for its economy and this would be at best disrupted and at worst destroyed. Noise pollution, dust, light pollution, air pollution, loss of peace and tranquility, loss of unique wildlife habitats, health problems. - the legacy of going ahead with this and other projects will destroy the AONB. - construction of an offshore ring-main, taking the long-term view, would solve this problem and that of many similar proposals around the beautiful and precious coastline of our wonderful country.