Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Carol Fagg

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have grave concerns regarding the Scottish Power windfarm application. I want wind energy, but this must be achieved with minimal environmental impact, and this is not the case with this application. Brownfield sites should be used wherever possible and there are such sites available. We need to be committed to saving and not spoiling the natural environment. This application would be damaging to sensitive sites in the area. It would damage the AONB, and cause problems for wildlife and the countryside which would probably never be able to be rectified. Suffolk is known for its dark skies, birdlife, precious countryside and tranquillity. The roads infrastructure is inadequate for what is proposed, and is already overloaded and dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians. The area is popular with tourists and this valuable resource would be destroyed by the works, as noted by the DMO report on the project. The proposed landing sites for the cables are totally unsuitable and would damage the environment. Unspoilt countryside is not appropriate for building complexes of this size and the local communities would be irreparably harmed. There are better solutions available and the companies who will be making the most profit from the projects should be made to invest appropriately in less environmentally damaging ways, such as using brownfield sites, and offshore hubs and ringmains. As a keen cyclist I am already anxious about using the roads in the area and I know that many others feel the same. I value the local environment and want it protected for generations to come. I also value the wildlife and peace of the area which also need to be preserved. Don't let these big companies ruin our beautiful countryside when more appropriate environmentally sensitive approaches are possible.