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Representation by Stuart Maggs

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to make representations regarding the under-assessment on the impact of our dwelling which is at the corner of Lover's Lane and King George's Avenue. No mitigation measures have been proposed, despite the project requiring access across the junction in a manner that is not used at the moment, and risks accidents and harm to individuals. The junction is used heavily by traffic travelling to and from Sizewell Power Station, especially during morning and evening shift changes, and more so during shut downs. It is a dangerous junction, and we have already had a car come off the road and demolish the side wall of our property in icy conditions. We worry that the additional HGV and other movements proposed will result in unacceptable increases to noise to our property from the road, risk to drivers using the junction and risk to pedestrians who are required to cross the road. Assessment of the risks as negligible or minimal fails to properly understand the local conditions and the level of risk that use of the junction already presents. We therefore propose that the application should be rejected unless it is amended to include: a) Amelioration to noise impact by fitting double glazing to windows adjacent to the route. b) Upgrading existing fencing and hedgerows to mitigate impact of additional HGV movements c) Reduction of the speed limit on the road from Sandy Lane to the turning (Access Point 2) near half-way cottages. d) Movement of our drive from opposite the access point further away from the junction to avoid accidents. e) Banning HGV movements during shift changes, and restricting them during Sizewell B Shut Downs f) Imposition of travel working time hours to avoid waking residents at inhospitable hours.