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Representation by Charlotte Wickers

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. For my own part the projects will affect me in the following ways. 1. The peace and quiet and quality of village life in Friston will be forever damaged and changed by this substation project 2.Apart from the noise, increase of traffic, light pollution during the building of the substations the landscape will be permanently changed into an industrial wasteland forever. 3.This is an area of deeply rural countryside, footpaths will be lost or moved, or be surrounded by the substations. 4. I live in Thorpeness and building work will inevitably affect live for villagers not only in Friston but also in the surrounding area. 4. Damage to tourism is inevitable. Who will want to stay in Thorpeness, Friston or the surrounding areas when they know that traffic, noise and dust will join them on their holiday. How will Snape Maltings be affected? 5.Our lives are now full of uncertainty and worry for ourselves and the next generation. Financially our properties are blighted and will lose even more value if this project goes ahead. Will we be compensated? 6.The countryside around Friston and Thorpeness is home to hares, owls, rabbits, mice, shrews, deer and I’m sure many other birds and mammals. With 24 hour light pollution and destruction of acres of countryside from the cables and general building site disruption what will happen to their habitat? 7.The roads in this area are narrow, country roads with no pedestrian pavements. The increase of fast moving and heavy traffic on these roads will be dangerous for both people (walkers and cyclists) and wildlife. Not to mention the added noise and pollution that will affect our daily lives. 8. The views around Friston, beautiful and rural and unchanged for centuries will be unsightly and industrial. No amount of tree planting will change that, certainly not in my lifetime or in the foreseeable future. The ancient village Church, Grade 2 Listed buildings Grade 2 star building, have these been considered? 9. I know we need more clean energy solutions, but this project by SPR has been bulldozed through our local community. 10. In West Sussex the planing for the substation was told to be ‘low impact’ Why have SPR not considered this for our area? 11. Are Scottish Power intending to build EA1N EA2 at the same time or do they intend to build one and then the other, causing years of noise and disruption? 12.The cumulative affect of this project is very worrying. Sizewell C is about to put in a DCO application, National Grid are installing interconnections at the Friston Site which leaves it open to further expansion in the future. 13. I am saddened and depressed by the size of the proposed development and the lack of care shown by both National Grid and SPR and with the potential for more energy projects this quiet, hugely popular area of Suffolk will be spoiled forever.