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Representation by Gillian Duffield

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Examining Authority, I write to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for several reasons, namely:- (a) As a resident of the village of Thorpeness I consider the area totally unsuitable for landing cables. The cliffs at Thorpeness are extremely fragile - as evidenced by recent falls. (b) The proposed plans would also pose a great threat to wildlife and the important Sandlings Heath. I understand that some 11km of cable trenches are intended which would be incredibly damaging environmentally. It would be heartbreaking if the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB were severed causing untold damage to migrating birds and wildlife. (c) I am a regular walker on the footpaths, bridleways and byways near to my home which presumably would be temporarily - or even permanently - closed. What a tragedy that would be for residents like myself but also for the many visitors who come to visit our lovely part of the country. (d) Our area relies heavily on tourism. Proposed works would have a very detrimental effect on tourism. I can only imagine what effect heavy vehicle traffic would have on small villages like ours. Our local road networks are totally unsuited to the volume of HGV traffic the proposed works would bring not to mention increased noise and air pollution. (e) The knock on effect on local businesses would also be keenly felt - trade would be reduced and with it inevitable job losses. In closing I moved here from London because I wanted to live in a small community in a beautiful, peaceful, unspoilt part of the country. I will be devastated if that is lost as a result of your plans and do urge you - please - to reconsider. Yours faithfully Gillian Duffield