Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Dr Katherine Bloomfield

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to object to the development and construction of EA Two, on the grounds of various principal issues and associated collateral damage. If such a scheme were to be approved, the local area will be blighted by noise, light and air pollution. With regards to residential property, no compensation will be offered for properties blighted from sale. Furthermore, if the 17yr rights of access being asked for are adopted, it will result in a loss of a 1/3 of the property sale value, as quoted by independent valuers. This will be repeated along the route and in the village in perpetuity. The cumulative impact of this major undertaking within natural, unspoilt countryside has not been assessed competently and will have catastrophic effects on the local environment. The repercussions are numerous: wildlife habitats will be lost, migration corridors for mammals and reptiles cut off, migrating birds and endangered species will fall under real threat. The development will demolish the adjacent woodlands and remove hedgerows and trees which are inhabited by various species. Local footpaths and Rights of Way will also become temporarily closed or diverted. The longer-term implications of such a scheme will impact the local economy, which is predominantly reliant on tourism. The numbers of visitors to this area, which is reliant on its attractiveness and natural beauty will turn a once affluent area, into a destination that is blighted by unsightly and spoilt scenery. A reduction in numbers to such a site, will be irreversible.