Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Andrew Thorby

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a frequent visitor to East Suffolk for RSPB Minsmere & the Suffolk coast in general, Snape Maltings & the village of Friston where I have close friends, I am appalled & horrified by the DCO applications for EA2 by Scottish Power Renewables. I understand the need for renewable energy, but the cumulative impact of EA2, & what could be in total up to seven energy projects running together, spells destruction & devastation to such a small geographic location. The impact on the landscape, which includes an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty & two sites of Special Scientific Interest, wildlife, the local population & tourism would be catastrophic. Not to mention the increased risk of flooding to the village of Friston where the drainage infrastructure is already inadequate, the loss of footpaths & rights of way, light pollution, noise, & volume of construction traffic. I strongly object to EA2 & urge you to listen & act to save the peace & tranquility of this outstandingly beautiful area.