Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Alison Green

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA TWO OFF SHORE WIND FARM I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application. I adopt the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. I am very supportive of wind farms and green energy but not when it destroys countryside and destroys communities which this will doing being built so close to Friston village. It is not going to bring any wealth into the area and will damage the tourism that so many people in the area rely on. It will cause damage to the heritage coast along the route from Thorpeness to Friston with irreparable damage to wildlife. The 11km of cable trenches will destroy environmentally sensitive areas threatening wildlife and the important Sandlings Heath. The local roads are not equipped to take the level of heavy traffic that the substations will require during building work. The air quality will degrade because of pollution from traffic and trenches dug through Suffolk’s light sandy soil which will blow away because it is so light. It will have a significant and detrimental impact on the economy of the local communities across the area. Tourism is an important part of the economy and these plans will cause long term disruption to travel as the roads become more congested making the area less accessible to tourists and damage to wildlife and heritage sites making them less attractive to visitors. The temporary, and in some cases permanent, closure of public right of ways will also make the are less attractive to tourists who enjoy walking in the countryside. I am also deeply concerned that the plan is to build in an area that has already experienced substantial flooding and am not aware that any flood risk assessment has been carried out on the impact of building wind farm sub stations in Friston.