Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Mrs P V Ellis (Mrs P V Ellis)

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sirs, I agree with Suffolk County Council, East Suffolk Council, our Member for Parliament, Friston Parish Council and the SASES group – and I OBJECT in the strongest possible terms to the proposed imposition of this industrial energy facility into our peaceful greenfield location; with all the environmental destruction and ruinous effects on quality of life in Friston it embodies. There are overwhelming significant adverse environmental and human impacts, and the applications should be REFUSED. Born in Friston 80 years ago, I have lived my entire life uninterrupted in the village. Save for the doodle-bugs which fell on Friston during the 1939-1945 war, I have not known a greater threat to the welfare of our people, this quiet and peaceful rural village, and the local community than the proposals contained in EA1N and EA2. Our local tranquillity, our mental health, environment and quality of life would be significantly impacted by this vast, industrialised proposal. The 35 acre substation application site at Grove Wood is visible from my property, being just a few hundred yards away, and its potential development is causing me great personal stress. The value of my home has been reduced by over 20% since this application was submitted. Friston is now blighted by the applications. I feel trapped in a house which would be forever blighted; almost bordering the curtilage of the 18m high industrial substation site. The remaining years of my life stand to be ruined by the construction and operation of this facility, should this development be allowed. Impacts and issues include: Construction phase • Excessive landscape impact • Negative property values • Construction site noise, dust and light pollution • Vehicle movements to construction site – road accidents, emissions and noise; dust • Environmental damage and biodiversity loss • Greenfield site destruction of 35 acre site plus enormous transport corridor. • Loss of public footpaths Operational impact • Large detrimental impact on local property values • Visual amenity – intolerable landscape impact • Visual impact – excessively large and intrusive structure • Noise of operations and vehicle access; lack of noise screens • Flooding – the site area and downstream along Church Path, crossing at the junction of Church Road and Church Lane by my property is well known for local flooding. The 35 acre industrial substation site planned will create enormous impermeable surface run-off which will guarantee additional serious local flooding in Friston. • Excessive vehicles on local roads – more noise, accidents and emissions • Loss of public footpaths Regarding the Environmental Impact of EA1N and EA2; the OVERALL SCALE of the proposed development; the impact on HUMAN HABITATION, and destructive LANDSCAPE IMPACT are, when taken as whole, sufficient to warrant REFUSAL. The proposal should be relocated to a more appropriate area. Mrs P.V.Ellis, (Redacted)