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Representation by Tony Cooper

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to inform you of my objections to the proposals submitted for approval to the Inspectorate by Scottish Power Renewables. . Friston is a residential village with primarily an aging population surrounded by farmland and farming infrastructure devoid of industrial / commercial areas or brownfield sites. The proposed site is just outside, nestled between two Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty with no discernible difference between the quality of its landscape and that of the two AONB’s. . The proposals would bring a massive industrial complex /energy hub development within 250 metres of the village of Friston on agricultural land that has been farmed for generations, irreversibly changing the character of the village. . Perverse siting of the development. It is positioned on the village side of ancient woodland, consequently it will be devoid of any mature screening. The position of this ancient woodland forces its siting in proximity to Friston. . The development will be within the setting of several listed buildings. . Given the proximity and scale of the development it will have an overwhelming visual impact on the village which cannot be mitigated by landscape design. . Parts of the village of Friston are currently susceptible to flooding the development will have an adverse impact on the drainage system of the village. . The scale of the development similar in size to that of the existing village will bring unacceptable levels of light pollution in areas which are currently free from artificial light. . The proximity of the development to the village will bring unacceptable levels of background noise decremental to the wellbeing of the residents. Their wellbeing has is and will continue to be adversely affected by these proposals. . The development will cut across historical rights of way which cannot be diverted onto alternative countryside but will be diverted onto roads. . Proposed future developments are currently being considered for interconnectors and the development of Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station. The cumulative impact of these developments has not been considered or addressed in the applications. The space requirements for some of these future developments will turn further farmland on the plateau between Leiston and Saxmundham into an industrial area irreversibly altering its character. . Scottish Power’s proposals are being submitted as two separate DCO applications with an uncertain programme consequently a potential sequential delivery will cause disruption for decades. . National Grid are greatly involved in the selection of this site. Advantageous financial must terms have been offered for the grid connection in this location, without any consideration to the impact on landscape, Friston or residents. . The site selection process was flawed at the very last minute an alternative site was proposed. The alternative was not properly analysed it was purely brought in to pay lip service to the objections being received. . The massive cable route will pass through an area of outstanding natural beauty and across a fragile cliff and coats line creating a permanent scar across an ancient landscape. I respect the need to meet the county’s future energy requirements from low carbon sustainable sources. However, a considered strategy needs to be formulated by the government to see how best the required infrastructure for the distribution of energy from these new sources can be structured. Government policy must be formed and implemented to give guidance and support to private companies that takes into account both the micro and macro needs of the country so that the wanton destruction of numerous coastal communities can be avoided. I trust that you not only object to SPR’s proposals but are actively seeking to put a pause on SPR's application until a coherent government policy/strategy can be formulated.