Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Alison Mudd

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the application for reasons including: It is not appropriate to bring the cables ashore at Thorpeness. The cliffs at Thorpeness are fragile and extremely vulnerable - coastal protection features have been exposed in recent years, and cliff collapse killed someone. The shingle habitat along this coast is extremely rare (there are only a handful of similar environments worldwide). It should not be destroyed for this development. The application will destroy habitat within the AONB. Wildlife movement will be prevented. Local flora and fauna will be disturbed, destroyed and/or their behaviour disrupted, leading to further decline of uncommon and protected species. The detrimental impact on local transport and communities from additional traffic and workers: road congestion, noise and light pollution, community cohesion (influx of temporary workers), soil erosion (through loss of sandy soil: one of the roads to Friston was blocked during a hard winter recently, partly due to sand blown from adjacent fields). Proposed permanent closure of public rights of way through an area of outstanding natural beauty, meant to be protected to support flora and fauna to be experienced by all, and for future generations. This area has already seen loss of habitats and rare/uncommon habitats from The sizewell power station developments - and will be further damaged by Sizewell C. This means nearby landscape should be even more closely protected and restored.