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Representation by National Grid Ventures (National Grid Ventures)

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

This is a Relevant Representation submitted by National Grid Ventures (NGV) requesting that NGV are treated as an Interested Party throughout the Examination process of the Development Consent Order (DCO) application for East Anglia TWO by Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) (PINS ref: EN010078). NGV is a ringfenced division of National Grid plc, responsible for both developing and operating businesses in our UK and US territories. NGV is proposing to develop two high voltage direct current (HVDC) electricity Interconnector projects between Suffolk and Europe, the Nautilus and EuroLink Projects. NAUTILUS AND EUROLINK INTERCONNECTOR PROJECTS Both the proposed Nautilus and EuroLink Interconnector Projects have grid connection agreements in place with the National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) to connect these projects at a new 400kV electricity substation located close to the existing Sizewell 400kV line, provisionally referred to as “Leiston 400kV.” NGV’s proposed Nautilus and EuroLink Interconnector Projects share the same connection offer location as SPR’s East Anglia ONE North and East Anglia TWO projects. Each Interconnector project will involve the construction of an electricity converter station in each country and the installation of offshore and onshore underground (HVDC) cables between each converter station and underground high voltage alternating current (HVAC) cables between the converter station and electricity substation in each country. The Nautilus Interconnector is a proposed 1400 MW HVDC electricity link between the British and Belgium transmission systems connecting between a substation in Suffolk and a substation in Belgium. On the 29th April 2019 NGV received a Direction by the Secretary of State under Section 35 of the Planning Act 2008, confirming that the Nautilus Interconnector project would be treated as National Significant Infrastructure Project under the Development Consent Order regime. The EuroLink Project is a proposed 14000 MW HVDC electricity link between the British and Dutch transmission systems connecting between a substation in Suffolk and a substation in The Netherlands. NGV’s INTEREST IN SPR’S DCO APPLICATIONS FOR EAST ANGLIA ONE NORTH AND EAST ANGLIA TWO NGV are working to identify potential sites for the location of the required converter station, landfall and associated cable routes for each project. Further technical assessment, survey work and refinement is being undertaken before NGV are ready to present options for non-statutory public consultation. Without prejudice, NGV may wish to participate during the Examination in relation to the interests we set out above. NGV reserve the right to make further comments through the Examination process, including but not limited to the prospect of safeguarding unfettered and timely access to the proposed new NGET substation being promoted in line with the respective connection agreements from the ESO. NGV welcomes engagement with SPR in relation to our common interests.