Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Piers Sturridge

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to SPR's planning application for the following reasons. Cumulative impact on local communities, infrastructure and wildlife of the seven+ energy projects occurring in the Friston and Leiston area consecutively over the 12-15 years. Failure of SPR to fully and honestly consult with local residents and businesses in the area and the failure of both SPR and National Grid to seek out more appropriate sites (brownfield) for the substations and cable tracks. Failure of SPR to fully present their plans during the consultation period but currently making substantial changes and new demands and proposals which will not be open for public consultation. Failure of SPR to properly assess and then address the impact of the project on local tourism, local businesses and local jobs. The local and county wide road infrastructure is extremely fragile and unsuitable for the number and size of vehicles proposed by SPR and the other power companies. Even the A12 meanders through small villages. This will affect the the ability of the emergency services to operate efficiently and put local lives at risk. Failure of SPR to put forward a creditable Nuclear Incident Action Plan as their works and vehicles will hinder an evacuation. Especially concerning when Sizewell C & D start construction. Failure of SPR to mitigate destruction of woodlands and disruption wildlife over a fifteen+ period. Bisecting of the Suffolk Coastal AONB for fifteen years further destroyed bt the EDF scheme for Sizewell C Piers Sturridge