Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority (Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority)

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

EA2 offshore windfarm – EIFCA relevant representation The role of Eastern IFCA is to “lead, champion and manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries” in our district, which extends from the Humber to Harwich, and 6 nautical miles out to sea. The proposed cable route for East Anglia TWO Offshore Wind Farm (EA2) will pass through the Eastern IFCA district. Therefore, given the potential impacts upon inshore fisheries and marine species, Eastern IFCA consider it appropriate to register as an Interested Party and to provide a Relevant Representation. Eastern IFCA will e-mail our full Relevant Representation to the Planning Inspectorate separately from this summary. Within the representation, we have highlighted the need for offshore wind farm projects to be developed sustainably in relation to inshore fisheries and conservation. We have made specific comments highlighting potential impacts of the proposal on harbour porpoises, red-throated divers, fish spawning and nursery grounds, electrosensitive species and inshore fishery stakeholders. Please also see attachment.
