Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Anne Warrack

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Whilst I support the development of renewable energy, I cannot support these plans. The development will irreparably damage the town of Aldeburgh, where we own a property we plan to retire to in a few years’ time. We support the representations being made to you by Substation Action Save East Suffolk (, East Suffolk Council and Friston Parish Council. In particular, the development will damage the local countryside - an area of outstanding natural beauty - its ecology, water resources, wildlife and businesses, peace and beauty, and will place an intolerable strain on Aldeburgh, neighbouring towns, and Minsmere. Tourism will evaporate overnight due to the proposed six-day working, 10 (or is it 12?) hours a day, with heavy traffic going through Aldeburgh. The effect of this has been insufficiently considered and underestimated, and we have indeed looked at the plans and surveys you have done. Businesses will close, and no number of temporary jobs created by your proposals will justify this or be able to support or the town. There does not appear to be any long term strategy to ensure coordination of this work with East Anglia One North, and Sizewell B. That is crazy. You cannot expect the area to absorb three huge developments, (East Anglia One North, Sizewell B and this one), one after the other, each of which digs up huge swathes of unspoilt countryside, and causes upheaval for years. We see no evidence of strategic planning or attempts coordinate and minimise the impact of even the 2 wind farms, or Sizewell B. Other projects - Nautilus and Eurolink by National Grid - and extensions of other wind farms- Galloper and Greater Gabbard - will make matters even worse, for decades. For their emotional wellbeing, we human beings need natural beauty, and unspoilt landscapes. Loss of footpaths, increased noise, air and light pollution, damage to heritage sites - all of these will grieve me and my husband deeply. New technology - such as micro nuclear power plants - would cause far less damage to all of these, and may be proven and available before you even start this development. Please don’t approve these plans. They will be truly awful for Suffolk. We need renewable energy projects, but not ones which cause such devastation to what is truly such a beautiful area. Thank you.