Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Lamorna Good

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Please reconsider the road problem. Our part of Suffolk has narrow roads through villages. Your plans will ruin the lives of many residents. Can you not buy/rent farm land to build one wide road? Ditto for the massive trenches. I see that coming into and out of Aldeburgh is still on your cards; going around our roundabout will affect the school children both primary and secondary who walk to the primary or take buses to Leiston. We only have one nursing home in the area, at Aldringham. You plan to take your trench right close to the nursing home, in the grounds. This will cause enormous grief to the residents, staff and relatives and might force the home to close. Pollution: you will pollute not only the land but the air, making life miserable and dangerous for asthmatics and people with heart conditions.