Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Nicola Corbett

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Good evening I am registering my objection to the application for EA2 for the same reasons I have also registered my interest for EA1a. The Suffolk Coast, where I live and was born and raised, is a special place for a number of reasons. It is the habitat for a range of rare and endangered species and its natural beauty attracts visitors from around the UK and further afield, who come here to relax and enjoy what the area has to offer. Our economy is largely built on our ability to attract visitors here. And it is why so many people choose to live and work here too. The 1960s saw the birth of nuclear energy and this area has hosted two nuclear power stations. There partnership with the area has been fruitful and the custodianship of the Sizewell estate has been a benefit. But enough is enough. With the prospect of SZC, the new wind farm landfall and the interconnectors, the area will be swamped and it will drive residents and visitors away. Seeing the proposals for the cable route, crossing Aldringham Walks and ancient woodland fills me with dismay. The traffic in the area will be unbearable added to the proposals for SZC. The prescribed route would see lorries and other traffic to the sites monitored but would only lead to rat runs while others drivers avoid them. The area around Sizewell would be under siege from construction traffic from all directions. Jobs for local people with Scottish Power and its contractors will be limited in number. It is also well known how fragile the coast between Aldeburgh and Sizewell is. Why are these two new wind farms not reaching landfall at Bawdsey? The area north of Ipswich has been carved up already, so why not use it? I feel the concerns, too, of the people living in close proximity to the proposed sub station. Not only will this be an eyesore, there will light, noise and dust pollution. East Suffolk has done its bit for our National energy supply. I would like PINs to recommend that Scottish Power finds an alternative route or even better, uses the route it has recently created for EA1 and 3.