Mae'r rhestr isod yn cynnwys cofnod o gyngor a roddwyd gennym ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw'r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
Dear Sir/Madame, Further to my email sent on the 26th of April, there is one additional item I would wish to bring to your attention when considering the SPR application for EA1N & EA2 wind farms. The...
Darllen mwy
Project Update Meeting
We respond to Phase 4 of SPR's windfarm consultation, objecting very strongly to proposals to site Substations for the windfarms in Friston. Our letter of objection is attached, together with our resp...
Darllen mwy
Project Update Meeting
The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation to the Planning Inspectorate between January and April 2019: Mary Shipman, Tony Morley, Alan Bullard, Jan Bullard, M...
Darllen mwy
The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation, including comments on the standard of consultation, to the Planning Inspectorate between January and April 2019: Vi...
Darllen mwy
The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation to the Planning Inspectorate and to the Applicant between January and April 2019: Michael Mahony on behalf of Substa...
Darllen mwy
The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation to the Planning Inspectorate and to the Applicant, including comments on the standard of consultation, between Janua...
Darllen mwy
The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation to the Planning Inspectorate between January and April 2019: Mary Shipman, Tony Morley, Alan Bullard, Jan Bullard, M...
Darllen mwy
The Planning Inspectorate Dear Sir/Madam, SCOTTISHPOWER RENEWABLE- EAST ANGLIA 1N & EAST ANGLIA 2 WIND FARMS I understand that you are not in a position to respond to our concerns regarding the propos...
Darllen mwy
Response to the Applicants 2019 consultation sent to the Planning Inspectorate with a request for comments.
My name is Thomas Sweet and I am a local resident and long-standing member of the local community in Aldeburgh, Suffolk. I have a number of objections and concerns on Scottish Power Renewables propose...
Darllen mwy
This is now my third response to the consultations. I do not feel any of my detailed concerns have been addressed to my satisfaction. The consultation process is clearly regarded as nothing more than ...
Darllen mwy
To whom it may concern. I copy below an email i have just sent to SPR with regard to their controversial planning process for on shore sub stations in East Suffolk. There is little point in me writing...
Darllen mwy
response to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation, including comments on the standard of consultation, sent to the Planning Inspectorate on 25 March 2019
Please see attached
Project update meeting with ScottishPower Renewables, East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council
EN010012 - EDF Sizewell C/D EN010077 & EN010078 - Scottish Power EA1N & EA2 I am writing to request extensions to consultations for the above Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects in East Suf...
Darllen mwy
Project Update Meeting
Enquiry sent to the Secretary of State
Project update meeting 10 December 2018
Enquiry sent to the Secretary of State
Enquiry sent to the Secretary of State
Enquiry sent to the Secretary of State
Enquiry sent to the Secretary of State