Advice to David Gordon
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- From
- David Gordon
- Date advice given
- 29 October 2019
- Enquiry type
Good afternoon I understand that the submission of this application by Scottish Power is imminent I think I am right in saying that you then decide in 28 days whether or not to accept the application I would submit that you should not accept this application for the following reasons - This is the first of a series of applications for bringing ashore the electricity generated by windfarms. Government has given permission for the construction of the windfarms but has not developed any strategy for how the power should be brought ashore. It is imperative that there is such a strategy otherwise each windfarm will act in isolation and the damage done to the countryside will be immense and uncontrolled. In this case, Scottish Power and National Grid have unilaterally decided upon Friston without reference to anyone else. They have not even considered a development that could be shared with the next windfarm to be completed. We need a national strategy for how best, and where, to bring power ashore taking into account all of the technical possibilities such as the offshore ringmain. And we need this fast. We all need the offshore wind power. - I am told by Scottish Power that once you have accepted their application then the public will not be allowed to argue that it is the wrong location. If this is correct then it renders the whole process meaningless. How else can the public have a say? We are supposed to live in a democracy. - The so called consultation process carried out by Scottish Power has been a farce. Many, many members of the public have commented and made suggestions. All have been ignored. I therefore ask that you refuse their application and ask the appropriate government department to put in place an urgent programme to develop a strategy in conjunction with the various windfarm developers and National Grid Thankyou David Gordon
Advice given
Dear Mr Gordon Thank you for contacting the Planning Inspectorate about the application by ScottishPower Renewables for an order granting development consent for the East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm. The Acceptance stage The application was submitted on 25 October 2019. The Acceptance decision must be taken on or before 22 November 2019. The decision will be published on the project webpage, here: If the application is accepted, the following documents will also be published on the project webpage: • The application documents (if they are not already published); • Any Adequacy of Consultation Representations submitted by relevant local authorities; • The Planning Inspectorate’s Acceptance Checklist. The Acceptance tests Section 55 of the Planning Act 2008 states that an application can be accepted provided: • it is an application for an order granting development consent; • that development consent is required for any of the development to which the application relates; • the applicant has, in relation to a proposed application that has become the application, complied with Chapter 2 of Part 5 (pre-application procedure); and • that the application (including accompaniments) is of a standard that the Secretary of State considers satisfactory. The following must be considered when making the decision: a) The Consultation Report received with the application; b) Any Adequacy of Consultation Representations received by the Planning Inspectorate from a local authority consultee; c) The extent to which the Applicant has had regard to government guidance. If you have sent comments about the pre-application consultation, these can be considered in addition to the statutorily required Acceptance tests when making the decision about whether or not to accept the application. However, it will be for the decision maker (the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State) to decide the weight to give to the views expressed based on the individual facts of the case. However you may also wish to submit any comments you have on the consultation to your local authority as relevant local authorities have been asked to submit their views on the adequacy of the Applicant’s consultation to us by 8 November 2019. If you have sent comments about the merits of the Proposed Development (eg setting out support for or objection to the principle of the Proposed Development) these cannot be considered at the Acceptance stage. If the application is accepted for Examination, in order to make comments about the merits of the Proposed Development to an appointed Examining Authority, you will need to register as an Interested Party by making a Relevant Representation at the appropriate time. For more information about how and when you can have your say, please see our Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination: Kind regards