View examination library (PDF, 2MB) containing document reference numbers
Decision letter of The Secretary of State for Energy and Security and Net Zero to approve the Version 2 Benthic Implementation and Management Plan.
(PDF, 118KB)
From The Secretary of State for Energy and Security and Net Zero
Consultation Response in relation to the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 104KB)
From Natural England
Consultation Response in relation to the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 391KB)
From Marine Management Organisation
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan Annex 4 Further information to support Education, awareness and facilities to limit further marine debris
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan V2 Annex 2 Benthic Compensation Consultation Report
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan Annex 3 Marine Debris Search Area Identification Desk Study
(PDF, 12MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms Benthic Compensation Funding Statement Norfolk
(PDF, 593KB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 8MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Secretary of State Decision Letter - 13 December 2023
(PDF, 188KB)
From Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm (Amendment) Order 2023
(PDF, 26KB)
From Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Email 12 September to Natural England
(PDF, 446KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Email 6 November to Natural England
(PDF, 12MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Email 9 October email from Natural England
(PDF, 351KB)
From Natural England
Regulation 7A Consultation and Publicity Statement
(PDF, 14MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Decision letter for the Benthic Implementation Plan, pursuant to Schedule 17, Part 3 of the Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm Order 2022
(PDF, 120KB)
From Secretary of State Decision Letter
Response to Non Material Change 2 Consultation
(PDF, 184KB)
From Natural England
Response to Non-Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 126KB)
From Historic England
Response to Non-Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 103KB)
From The Ministry of Defence
Response to Non Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 200KB)
From Broadland District Council
Response to Non Material Change 2 Consultation Response
(PDF, 108KB)
From North Norfolk District Council
Response to Non Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 161KB)
From Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (EIFCA)
Response to Non-Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 310KB)
From Neural Automonic Transport System (NATS) Safeguarding
Response to Non-Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 140KB)
From Norfolk County Council
Non-Material Change 2 - Response to Points of Clarification Letter
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Letter requesting clarification
(PDF, 153KB)
From Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Non-Material Change 2 - Regulation 7 Newspaper Notice
(PDF, 105KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Non-Material Change 2 - Track Changed Development Consent Order (DCO)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Non-Material Change 2 - Covering letter
(PDF, 167KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Non-Material Change 2 - Draft Amendment Order
(PDF, 128KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Non-Material Change 2 - Supporting Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Regulation 7(3): Request for Consent to Consultation Proposals
(PDF, 447KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Letter confirming consultees for proposed Non Material Change application
(PDF, 142KB)
From The Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero
Response to the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP)
(PDF, 107KB)
From Natural England
Response to the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP)
(PDF, 439KB)
From Marine Management Organisation
Request for extension to deadline for comments on the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan and associated documents
(PDF, 122KB)
From Natural England
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP) Annex 3 Norfolk Projects Marine Debris Search Area Identification Desk Study
(PDF, 11MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
The Norfolks Projects Funding Statement (Redacted)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP) Annex 2 Norfolk Projects Benthic Compensation Consultation Report
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP) Annex 4 Further Information to Support Education, Awareness and Facilities to Limit Further Marine Debris
(PDF, 10MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Norfolk Projects Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 8MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3 Kittiwake Nesting Success on Artificial Structures
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3 Section 4.6.2 of the Lesser Black-Backed Gull Compensation Plan
(PDF, 476KB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Approval of the Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 128KB)
From Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Funding Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 4 Kittiwake Structure Detailed Design Report
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 2 Kittiwake Structure Concept Design Report
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Approval of the Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring
(PDF, 129KB)
From Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 6 Section 4.6.3 of the Kittiwake Compensation Plan
(PDF, 471KB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Funding Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser black-backed gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 2 Site Suitability Report
(PDF, 5MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 1 Kittiwake Compensation consultation report
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 5 Kittiwake Structure Final Detailed Drawings
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser black-backed gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 1 Consultation report
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Response to the Applicant's Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 133KB)
From East Suffolk Council
Response to the Applicant's Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 106KB)
From Natural England
Response to the Applicant's Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 149KB)
From Natural England
Response to the Applicant's Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 133KB)
From East Suffolk Council
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3 Kittiwake Nesting Success on Artificial Structures: Additional Photos
(PDF, 20MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Funding Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 1 Kittiwake Compensation Consultation Report
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 2 Kittiwake Structure Concept Design Report
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3 Kittiwake Nesting Success on Artificial Structures
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 5 Kittiwake Structure Final Detailed Drawings
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 4 Kittiwake Structure Detailed Design Report
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 6 Section 4.6.3 of the Kittiwake Compensation Plan
(PDF, 733KB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Funding Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 2
(PDF, 5MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3
(PDF, 476KB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 1
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Secretary of State Decision Letter - 28 September 2022
(PDF, 187KB)
From Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm (Amendment) Order 2022
(PDF, 46KB)
From Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: Marine Management Organisation
(PDF, 172KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Kittiwake Steering Group Plan of Work
(PDF, 800KB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farm
Request for Secretary of State approval of Compensation Plan of Work
(PDF, 120KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Boreas Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Benthic Steering Group: Natural England
(PDF, 284KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: Great Yarmouth Borough Council
(PDF, 218KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval of Plans of Works
(PDF, 120KB)
From Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Lesser Black-Back Gull Steering Group: Marine Management Organisation
(PDF, 128KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Steering Group Plan of Work
(PDF, 775KB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Benthic Steering Group: National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations
(PDF, 216KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: East Suffolk Council
(PDF, 236KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
(PDF, 571KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Lesser Black-Back Gull Steering Group: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
(PDF, 584KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Lesser Black-Back Gull Steering Group: Natural England
(PDF, 262KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Lesser Black-Back Gull Steering Group: East Suffolk Council
(PDF, 168KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Benthic Steering Group: Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
(PDF, 214KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Benthic Steering Group Plan of Work
(PDF, 813KB)
From Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farm
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Benthic Steering Group: Marine Management Organisation
(PDF, 352KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: Natural England
(PDF, 204KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
(PDF, 127KB)
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
(PDF, 44KB)
Regulation 7A Consultation and Publicity Report
(PDF, 18MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Trinity House
(PDF, 209KB)
Ministry of Defence (MOD)
(PDF, 107KB)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
(PDF, 252KB)
The Crown Estate
(PDF, 243KB)