Decision letter of The Secretary of State for Energy and Security and Net Zero to approve the Version 2 Benthic Implementation and Management Plan.
(PDF, 118KB)
O The Secretary of State for Energy and Security and Net Zero
Consultation Response in relation to the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 104KB)
O Natural England
Consultation Response in relation to the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 391KB)
O Marine Management Organisation
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan Annex 4 Further information to support Education, awareness and facilities to limit further marine debris
(PDF, 2MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan V2 Annex 2 Benthic Compensation Consultation Report
(PDF, 1MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan Annex 3 Marine Debris Search Area Identification Desk Study
(PDF, 12MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms Benthic Compensation Funding Statement Norfolk
(PDF, 593KB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 8MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Secretary of State Decision Letter - 13 December 2023
(PDF, 188KB)
O Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm (Amendment) Order 2023
(PDF, 26KB)
O Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Email 12 September to Natural England
(PDF, 446KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Email 6 November to Natural England
(PDF, 12MB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Email 9 October email from Natural England
(PDF, 351KB)
O Natural England
Regulation 7A Consultation and Publicity Statement
(PDF, 14MB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Decision letter for the Benthic Implementation Plan, pursuant to Schedule 17, Part 3 of the Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm Order 2022
(PDF, 120KB)
O Secretary of State Decision Letter
Response to Non Material Change 2 Consultation
(PDF, 184KB)
O Natural England
Response to Non-Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 126KB)
O Historic England
Response to Non-Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 103KB)
O The Ministry of Defence
Response to Non Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 200KB)
O Broadland District Council
Response to Non Material Change 2 Consultation Response
(PDF, 108KB)
O North Norfolk District Council
Response to Non Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 161KB)
O Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (EIFCA)
Response to Non-Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 310KB)
O Neural Automonic Transport System (NATS) Safeguarding
Response to Non-Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 140KB)
O Norfolk County Council
Non-Material Change 2 - Response to Points of Clarification Letter
(PDF, 1MB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Letter requesting clarification
(PDF, 153KB)
O Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Non-Material Change 2 - Regulation 7 Newspaper Notice
(PDF, 105KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Non-Material Change 2 - Track Changed Development Consent Order (DCO)
(PDF, 3MB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Non-Material Change 2 - Covering letter
(PDF, 167KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Non-Material Change 2 - Draft Amendment Order
(PDF, 128KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Non-Material Change 2 - Supporting Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Regulation 7(3): Request for Consent to Consultation Proposals
(PDF, 447KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Vanguard East Limited
Letter confirming consultees for proposed Non Material Change application
(PDF, 142KB)
O The Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero
Response to the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP)
(PDF, 107KB)
O Natural England
Response to the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP)
(PDF, 439KB)
O Marine Management Organisation
Request for extension to deadline for comments on the Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan and associated documents
(PDF, 122KB)
O Natural England
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP) Annex 3 Norfolk Projects Marine Debris Search Area Identification Desk Study
(PDF, 11MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
The Norfolks Projects Funding Statement (Redacted)
(PDF, 4MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP) Annex 2 Norfolk Projects Benthic Compensation Consultation Report
(PDF, 1MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan (BIMP) Annex 4 Further Information to Support Education, Awareness and Facilities to Limit Further Marine Debris
(PDF, 10MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Norfolk Projects Benthic Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 8MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3 Kittiwake Nesting Success on Artificial Structures
(PDF, 3MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3 Section 4.6.2 of the Lesser Black-Backed Gull Compensation Plan
(PDF, 476KB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Approval of the Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 128KB)
O Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Funding Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 4 Kittiwake Structure Detailed Design Report
(PDF, 2MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 2 Kittiwake Structure Concept Design Report
(PDF, 3MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Approval of the Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring
(PDF, 129KB)
O Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 6 Section 4.6.3 of the Kittiwake Compensation Plan
(PDF, 471KB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Funding Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser black-backed gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 2 Site Suitability Report
(PDF, 5MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 1 Kittiwake Compensation consultation report
(PDF, 3MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 5 Kittiwake Structure Final Detailed Drawings
(PDF, 3MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser black-backed gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 1 Consultation report
(PDF, 2MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Response to the Applicant's Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 133KB)
O East Suffolk Council
Response to the Applicant's Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 106KB)
O Natural England
Response to the Applicant's Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 149KB)
O Natural England
Response to the Applicant's Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 133KB)
O East Suffolk Council
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3 Kittiwake Nesting Success on Artificial Structures: Additional Photos
(PDF, 20MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Funding Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 1 Kittiwake Compensation Consultation Report
(PDF, 3MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 2 Kittiwake Structure Concept Design Report
(PDF, 3MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3 Kittiwake Nesting Success on Artificial Structures
(PDF, 3MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 5 Kittiwake Structure Final Detailed Drawings
(PDF, 3MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 4 Kittiwake Structure Detailed Design Report
(PDF, 2MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 6 Section 4.6.3 of the Kittiwake Compensation Plan
(PDF, 733KB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Funding Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 2
(PDF, 5MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 3
(PDF, 476KB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Monitoring Plan - Annex 1
(PDF, 2MB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Secretary of State Decision Letter - 28 September 2022
(PDF, 187KB)
O Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm (Amendment) Order 2022
(PDF, 46KB)
O Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: Marine Management Organisation
(PDF, 172KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Kittiwake Steering Group Plan of Work
(PDF, 800KB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farm
Request for Secretary of State approval of Compensation Plan of Work
(PDF, 120KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited and Norfolk Boreas Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Benthic Steering Group: Natural England
(PDF, 284KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: Great Yarmouth Borough Council
(PDF, 218KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval of Plans of Works
(PDF, 120KB)
O Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Lesser Black-Back Gull Steering Group: Marine Management Organisation
(PDF, 128KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Lesser Black-Backed Gull Steering Group Plan of Work
(PDF, 775KB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farms
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Benthic Steering Group: National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations
(PDF, 216KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: East Suffolk Council
(PDF, 236KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
(PDF, 571KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Lesser Black-Back Gull Steering Group: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
(PDF, 584KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Lesser Black-Back Gull Steering Group: Natural England
(PDF, 262KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Lesser Black-Back Gull Steering Group: East Suffolk Council
(PDF, 168KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Benthic Steering Group: Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
(PDF, 214KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Benthic Steering Group Plan of Work
(PDF, 813KB)
O Norfolk Projects Offshore Wind Farm
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Benthic Steering Group: Marine Management Organisation
(PDF, 352KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Approval Request signed ratification letters - Kittiwake Steering Group: Natural England
(PDF, 204KB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
(PDF, 127KB)
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
(PDF, 44KB)
Regulation 7A Consultation and Publicity Report
(PDF, 18MB)
O Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Trinity House
(PDF, 209KB)
Ministry of Defence (MOD)
(PDF, 107KB)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
(PDF, 252KB)
The Crown Estate
(PDF, 243KB)