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Environmental Statement Figure 11.19 - Average number (catch per standardised haul) of Smooth sandeel from IBTS survey data (2007-2016)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.21 - Sandeel Habitat Suitability
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.20 - ICES Sandeel Assessment Areas in the North Sea
(PDF, 4MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.26 - Mackerel Spawning Grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 832KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.25 - Lemon Sole Spawning Grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 852KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.23 - Dover Sole Spawning Grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 884KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.24 - Plaice Spawning Grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 906KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.33 - Tope nursery grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 808KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 12.2 - Mean grey seal at-sea usage around Norfolk Vanguard offshore project area
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.30 - Sprat Spawning Grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 813KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 12.1 - Southern North Sea cSAC for harbour porpoise
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.29 - Whiting Spawning Grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 902KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.27 - Sandeel Spawning Grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 930KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.32 - Thornback ray nursery grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 807KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.31 - Herring Spawning Grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 944KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 11.28 - Cod Spawning Grounds in relation to monopile noise impact contours
(PDF, 932KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 12.5 - Harbour porpoise PTS ranges based on worst case scenario
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 12.6 - Harbour porpoise TTS and disturbance range based on worst case scenarios
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 12.7 - Grey and harbour seal PTS, TTS and disturbance ranges based on worst case scenarios
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 12.4 - Grey seal and harbour seal haul-out sites around Norfolk Vanguard offshore project area
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 12.3 - Mean harbour seal at-sea usage around Norfolk Vanguard offshore project area
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 13.3 - Ramsar Sites in Relation to the Norfolk Vanguard Site
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From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.1 - Study Area
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 13.1 - Norfolk Vanguard windfarms site plus 4km buffer
(PDF, 4MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 13.2 - SPAs in Relation to the Norfolk Vanguard windfarms sites
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 12.8 - Concurrent piling based on worst case scenario
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 13.4 - SSSIs Sites in Relation to the Norfolk Vanguard Site
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Consultation Report - Appendix 13.5 – Email invite to attend the Hazard Workshop
(PDF, 318KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.4 - Dutch beam trawls VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 941KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.2 - Surveillance Sightings by nationality 2011-2015
(PDF, 7MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.3 - Surveillance Sightings by method 2011-2015
(PDF, 7MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.23 - Belgian beam trawls VMS effort 2010-2014
(PDF, 937KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.5 - Dutch beam trawls VMS effort 2012-2016
(PDF, 936KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.8 - Dutch seine nets VMS effort 2012-2016
(PDF, 930KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.9 - Dutch landings (value) by method 2012-2016
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.6 - Voluntary Agreement Exclusion Zones for Dutch beam trawls 2018
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.7 - Dutch seine nets VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 937KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.16 - Dutch purse seines VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 914KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.12 - Dutch demersal (otter) trawls VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.14 - Dutch nets VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 916KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental StatementFigure 14.11 - Dutch midwater trawls VMS effort 2012-2016
(PDF, 934KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.15 - Dutch nets VMS effort 2012-2016
(PDF, 916KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.13 - Dutch demersal (otter) trawls VMS effort 2012-2016
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.10 - Dutch midwater trawls VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 941KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.17 - Dutch purse seines VMS effort 2012-2016
(PDF, 911KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.19 - Dutch traps VMS effort 2012-2016
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.18 - Dutch traps VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 912KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.22 - Belgian beam trawls VMS value 2010-2014
(PDF, 940KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.21 - Dutch dredges VMS effort 2012-2016
(PDF, 911KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.20 - Dutch dredges VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 912KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.24 - Belgian landings (value) by method 2010-2014
(PDF, 6MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.26 - Belgian demersal (otter) trawls VMS value 2010-2014
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.25 - Belgian effort by method 2010-2014
(PDF, 6MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.27 - Belgian demersal (otter) trawls VMS effort 2010-2014
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.30 - UK demersal trawls (all gears) VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.35 - UK bottom otter twin trawls VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.31 - UK demersal trawls (all gears) VMS effort 2012-2016
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.32 - UK beam trawls VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.28 - Belgian seine nets VMS value 2010-2014
(PDF, 924KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.33 - UK otter trawls VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.34 - UK bottom otter trawls VMS value 2012-2016
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.29 - Belgian seine nets VMS effort 2010-2014
(PDF, 923KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.36 - UK landings (value) by method 2012-2016
(PDF, 7MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.39 - UK longline and netting grounds for Lowestoft vessels 2017
(PDF, 7MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.38 - UK potting grounds based on consultation 2017
(PDF, 5MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.37 - MMO landings (value) by species 2012-2016
(PDF, 7MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.40 - UK fishing grounds identified by Caister fishermen during consultation 2017
(PDF, 5MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.42 - French bottom trawls and pelagic trawls VMS effort 2008
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.41 - Extent of UK crustacean fishing grounds as described in ESFJC data and fisheries mapping project 2010
(PDF, 8MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.43 - French bottom trawls VMS effort 2008
(PDF, 1MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.45 - French pelagic trawls VMS effort 2014
(PDF, 471KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.1 - Study area
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 15.5 - Overview of AIS and Radar Data within Norfolk Vanguard West Study Area Excluding Temporary Traffic (14 Days Summer 2016)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 15.2 - Key Navigational Features Overview
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.44 - French bottom otter trawls VMS effort 2014
(PDF, 653KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.47 - Danish midwater trawls VMS effort 2011-2015
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.48 - German fishing vessel density VMS 2007-2012
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.49 - Offshore wind farms, marine protected areas and other activities in the North Sea
(PDF, 4MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 15.4 - Overview of AIS and Radar Data within Norfolk Vanguard East Study Area Excluding Temporary Traffic (14 Days Winter 2017)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 14.46 - Danish sandeel trawls VMS effort 2011-2015
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 15.1 - Overview of Norfolk Vanguard
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 15.7 - Main Traffic Routes and 90th Percentiles within OWF Sites Study Area
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 15.3 - Overview of AIS and Radar Data within Norfolk Vanguard East Study Area Excluding Temporary Traffic (14 Days Summer 2016)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 15.6 - Overview of AIS and Radar Data within Norfolk Vanguard West Study Area Excluding Temporary Traffic (14 Days Winter 2017)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.4 - Palaeogeographic features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (a)
(PDF, 557KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.3 - Palaeogeographic features of archaeological potential in Norfolk Vanguard West
(PDF, 944KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.5 - Palaeogeographic features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (b)
(PDF, 673KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.9 - Seabed features of archaeological potential in Norfolk Vanguard West
(PDF, 741KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.8 - Seabed features of archaeological potential in Norfolk Vanguard East
(PDF, 755KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.6 - Palaeogeographic features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (c )
(PDF, 995KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.2 - Palaeogeographic features of archaeological potential in Norfolk Vanguard East
(PDF, 636KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.10 - Seabed features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (a)
(PDF, 413KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.7 - Palaeogeographic features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (d)
(PDF, 982KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.15 - Seabed features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (f)
(PDF, 791KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.11 - Seabed features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (b)
(PDF, 395KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.12 - Seabed features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (c)
(PDF, 475KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.13 - Seabed features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (d)
(PDF, 580KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.14 - Seabed features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (e)
(PDF, 842KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 17.16 - Seabed features of archaeological potential in the offshore cable corridor (g)
(PDF, 664KB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited
Environmental Statement Figure 18.1 - Other offshore wind farm developments
(PDF, 2MB)
From Norfolk Vanguard Limited