Norfolk Vanguard

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 26 to 42 of 42 documents, newest first.

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  • View advice to Jenny Smedley

    This is a general question on Projects of National Importance and the Statutory Consultations that I hope you can help with, as to us people ‘on the ground’ these parts of the process are most... Read more

  • View advice to Katie Taylor

    When does the inspectors work start officially? Is there a public announcement and can members of the public attend.

  • View advice to Geraldine Watson

    I know that residents are not normally involved in the consultation process until the decisions have been made, and with my neighbours, I have been collating the regular lack of publicity and... Read more

  • View advice to Vattenfall

    Vattenfall sent their draft Statement of Community Consultation to the Planning Inspectorate for comment.

  • View advice to Katie Taylor

    There is a lot of deep mistrust of Vattenfall's reference to the standards/guidelines relating to visuals/graphics being used to 'demonstrate' the impact of the Norfolk Vanguard on shore... Read more

  • View advice to Patricia Lockwood

    I am a member of the Necton Substations Action Group and have found your contact details from the group, as I can't find a link to register my interest with the Planning Inspectorate. I am... Read more

  • View meeting with Vattenfall

    Project update meeting

  • View advice to Anonymous

    Comments regarding the Norfolk Vanguard project from the following: Sue Allen received on 14 July 2017 Wendy Englestone 19 July 2017 Peter Woodings and Paula Woodings 21 July 2017 Wendy... Read more

  • View advice to Katie Taylor

    Query regarding the role of local authorities in NSIP applications

  • View advice to Wendy Englestone

    I live at Fox Hill Ruston Norwich Norfolk. I recently learned that a proposed cable relay station may be built very close to where I live. Please could you give me as much information as possible! On... Read more

  • View advice to Katie Taylor

    (In your previous response) you refer to my local council. To date, having emailed Mr Richard Price (N Norfolk District Council) I have received no reply. I wish to register the ambivalence shown by... Read more

  • View advice to Katie Taylor

    I am a member of the community affected by the onshore part of this project. I am involved in a local group which has serious concerns about the project and in particular about the informal... Read more

  • View advice to Beverley Wigg

    It has come to my notice that the deadline for Consultation Bodies to respond to the above is 6th June. What constitutes a Consultation Body? We are a new action group set up to campaign against... Read more

  • View meeting with Vattenfall

    Project update meeting

  • View meeting with Vattenfal Wind Power ltd

    Project meeting update

  • View meeting with Vattenfall

    Project update meeting

  • View meeting with Vattenfall

    Inception meeting