There are no deadlines and events
Examination timetable
The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.
If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.
The examination stage
The examination opened on 11 December 2018
The examination closed on 11 June 2019
11 December 2018 - Preliminary Meeting
ClosedPreliminary Meeting
11 December 2018 - Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1)
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1)
ISH1 on International Issues
12 December 2018 - Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2)
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2)
ISH2 on Marine, Shipping, Navigation and Safety Issues
15 January 2019 - Deadline 1
ClosedDeadline 1
Deadline for receipt of: Comments on Relevant Representations (RRs) Summaries of all RRs exceeding 1500 words Statements of Submission from Other Persons who have not already provided a written summary statement of case Written Representations (WRs) Summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words Local Impact Reports from any local authorities Statements of Common Ground (SoCG) requested by the ExA – see Annex E Responses to ExQ1 Comments on updated application documents Responses to any further information requested by the ExA Post hearing submissions including written submissions of oral case Nominations of suggested locations and justifications for site inspections for consideration by the ExA Notification of wish to attend an Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) Notification from any Affected Person of wish to speak at a Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH) Notification of wish to speak at any of the further Issue Specific Hearings (ISHs) Notification of wish to speak at an Open Floor Hearing (OFH) Notification by Statutory Parties of wish to be considered an Interested Party Applicant’s Tracking List of SoCGs and agreements.
5 February 2019 - Deadline 2
ClosedDeadline 2
Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Comments on WRs and responses to comments on RRs Comments on Statements of Submission from Other Persons Comments on Local Impact Reports Comments on responses to ExQ1 Revised draft DCO from Applicant Responses to any further information requested by the ExA Comments on any additional information/ submissions received by Deadline 1
18 February 2019 - Accompanied Site Visit
ClosedThe following land is in scope:
Onshore cable alignment locations (Baypoint Sports Club, Crostline and BCA Sports Solutions); The proposed substation site; and The proposed grid connection location in Richborough Energy Park
19 February 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3)
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3)
ISH3 on Environmental matters, Ecology, HRA, physical, construction and other matters
19 February 2019 - Issue Specific 4 (ISH4)
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4)
ISH4 on Landscape and Visual, Seascape and Historic Environment Issues
19 February 2019 - Open Floor Hearing (OFH1)
ClosedOpen Floor Hearing (OFH1)
Date reserved to hold an OFH (if required)
20 February 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 5 (ISH5)
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 5 (ISH5)
ISH5 on Maritime, Shipping, Navigation, Safety and Recreational Sea Use
20 February 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 6 (ISH6)
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 6 (ISH6)
ISH6 on Fishing and Fisheries
21 February 2019 - Compulsory Acquition Hearing (CAH1)
ClosedCompulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH1)
CAH1 on the Applicant’s compulsory acquisition (CA) and temporary possession (TP) case and on any CA and TP objections (if there are requests to be heard)
21 February 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 7(ISH7)
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 7 (ISH7)
ISH7 on the draft Development Consent Order (dDCO)
5 March 2019 - Deadline 3
ClosedDeadline 3
Deadline for receipt of: Responses to any further information requested by the ExA Post hearing submissions including written submissions of oral case Comments on any additional information/ submissions received by Deadline 2 Applicant’s Tracking List of SoCGs and agreements identifying any changes since Deadline 1 Applicant’s Tracking List of Application Documents and Plans identifying any changes since Deadline 1 Applicant’s Tracking List of changes to mitigation measures Requests from Interested Parties and Other Persons to be heard at ISH8, ISH9 and/ or CAH2 from 16 – 18 April 2019 Statement of direction from the Applicant indicating that either changes to the application will be submitted at Deadline 4 or alternatively confirming that no such changes will be submitted. Confirmation by Port of Tilbury London Ltd. and London Gateway Port Ltd. of arrangements for an Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI2) to the Port of Tilbury, Tilbury 2 and London Gateway Port (the Thames Ports)1 on 15 April 2019 Requests from the Applicant, IPs and Other Persons to attend ASI2 to the Thames Ports
12 March 2019 - Publication by Examining Authority
ClosedIssue by the ExA of:
Notification of ASI2 to the Thames Ports1 to be held in April 2019
28 March 2019 - Deadline 4
ClosedDeadline 4
Deadline for receipt of: Applicant’s revised draft DCO Responses to any further information requested by the ExA Comments on any additional information/ submissions received by Deadline 3 Receipt of report(s) from any Shipping and Navigation workshop(s) convened between the Applicant and any IPs attending ISH5 or 6 (if applicable) Request for change(s) and documented change(s) to the application (if any) from the Applicant Parking and meeting locations, security and personal protective equipment requirements for attendees, transport arrangements for attendees within port perimeters, draft itinerary and maps for ASI2 from Port of Tilbury London Ltd. and London Gateway Port Ltd.
4 April 2019 - Publication by ExA
ClosedPublication by ExA of:
The ExA’s Procedural Decision(s) to address matters raised at Deadline 4 (D4) but not specifically provided for in this timetable and procedural decisions made on 1 March 2019.
5 April 2019 - Deadline 4B
ClosedDeadline 4B
Deadline for receipt from the Applicant of: A revised Navigation Risk Assessment (NRA) to support the SEZ proposal submitted at Deadline 4; An addendum to the Environmental Statement (ES) assessing the SEZ proposal submitted at Deadline 4; and Any other documents required to record and justify the SEZ proposal submitted at Deadline 4 and that were not submitted at Deadline 4
10 April 2019 - Publication by ExA of
ClosedPublication by ExA of:
The ExA’s Further Written Questions (ExQ2)(Note – further questions addressing the Structures Exclusion Zone (SEZ) proposal submitted by the Applicant at Deadline 4 and other matters as required may also be published at Item 27 below.)
10 April 2019 - Deadline 4C
ClosedDeadline 4C
Deadline for receipt of: Lists of ports, shipping, pilotage and navigation safety experts intending to appear at ISH8. Submission of statements of evidence to be prepared by or for the Applicant and/ or IPs requesting to be heard to inform ISH8.
15 April 2019 - Accompanied Site Inspection 2
ClosedAccompanied Site Inspection 2 (ASI2)
ASI2 at the Thames Ports2
16 April 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 8 Part 1
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 8 (ISH8)Part 1 of 3
ISH8 on International, Shipping, Marine, Environmental and other matters
16 April 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 8 Part 2
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 8 (ISH8)Part 2 of 3
ISH8 on International, Shipping, Marine, Environmental and other matters.
Evening session will held on 16 April to commence at 6:30pm if required.
17 April 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 8 Part 3
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 8 (ISH8) Part 3 or 3
ISH8 Part 3 on Environmental, Shipping, Maritime, Fishing and other matters
18 April 2019 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH2)
ClosedCompulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH2)
CAH2 on the Applicant’s compulsory acquisition (CA) and temporary possession (TP) case and any outstanding objections to it.
18 April 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 9 (ISH9)
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing 9 (ISH9)
ISH9 on the draft Development Consent Order (dDCO)
29 April 2019 - Deadline 5
ClosedDeadline 5
Deadline for receipt of: Revised and progress versions of SoCGs Responses to ExA’s Further Written Questions (ExQ2) Comments on Applicant’s revised dDCO Responses to any further information requested by the ExA (specifically including any ‘action points’ arising from hearings) Post hearing submissions including written submissions of oral case Comments on any additional information/ submissions received by Deadline 4, 4B and 4C Submission to the ExA by the Applicant of the SEZ Material Change consultation package as published Submission to the ExA of comments on the SEZ Material Change application and related documents submitted at D4 and D4B by IPs and OPs already within the Examination
3 May 2019 - Deadline 5A
ClosedDeadline 5A
Deadline for receipt of:
Comments on any revised dDCO submitted by the Applicant at Deadline 5
7 May 2019 - Publication by Examining Authority
ClosedPublication by the ExA of:
The ExA’s preferred dDCO or dDCO commentary (if required)
14 May 2019 - Publication by the ExA of
ClosedPublication by the ExA of:
Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) (if required)
16 May 2019 - Publication by the ExA
ClosedPublication by the ExA of:
The ExA’s Further Written Questions (ExQ3)(if required)
28 May 2019 - Deadline 6
ClosedDeadline 6
Deadline for receipt of: Final SoCGs Responses to ExA’s Further Written Questions (ExQ3) (if published) Comments on responses to the ExA’s Further Written Questions (ExQ2) Comments on the ExA’s preferred dDCO or dDCO commentary (if required) Comments on the RIES (if published) Responses to any further information requested by the ExA Comments on any additional information/ submissions received by Deadline 5 and 5A Submission to the ExA by the Applicant of the SEZ Material Change Consultation Report (described in Annex C to the R8(3) and R9 Letter of 9 April) and any supporting documents Submission to the ExA of comments on D5 submissions on the SEZ Material Change application by IPs and OPs already within the Examination Submission of requests to become an IP or OP from any person responding to the Applicant’s SEZ Material Change consultation package who is not already involved in the Examination Statements of submissions by persons requesting to become an IP or OP in response to the Applicant’s SEZ Material Change consultation package and who are not already involved in the Examination
30 May 2019 - Publication by the ExA
ClosedPublication by the ExA of:
The ExA’s Further requests for information under EPR Rule 17 (if required)
3 June 2019 - Deadline 6A
ClosedDeadline 6A
Deadline for receipt of:
Responses to the ExA’s Further requests for information under EPR Rule 17 (if required)
6 June 2019 - Deadline 7
ClosedDeadline 7
Deadline for receipt of: Comments on responses to the ExA’s Further Written Questions (ExQ3) Comments on responses to the ExA’s Further requests for information under EPR Rule 17 (if required) Responses to comments on the ExA’s draft DCO or dDCO commentary (if required) Responses to comments on the RIES (if published) Responses to any further information requested by the ExA Comments on any additional information/ submissions received by Deadline 6 Statements of matters not agreed (in circumstances where a SoCG could not be finalised by Deadline 6) Final DCO to be submitted by the Applicant in the SI template with the SI template validation report Applicant’s Tracking List of SoCGs and agreements identifying any changes since Deadline 3 Applicant’s Tracking List of Application Documents and Plans identifying any changes since Deadline 3 Applicant’s Tracking List of changes to mitigation measures, identifying any changes since Deadline 3 Submission to the ExA of comments on the SEZ Material Change Consultation Report and any supporting documents Submission to the ExA of comments on statements of submission made at D6 by IPs or OPs who joined the Examination at that deadline Submission to the ExA of responses to comments on D5 submissions on the Material Change application by IPs and OPs already within the Examination before D6
10 June 2019 - Deadline 8
ClosedDeadline 8
Deadline for receipt of:
Submission to the ExA by the Applicant of responses to comments on statements of submission made at D6 by new IPs or OPs who joined the Examination at that deadline
Submission to the ExA by the Applicant of responses to comments on the SEZ Material Change consultation report and any supporting documents