Norfolk Boreas Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 12 November 2019

The deadline for the close of the Examination has been extended to 12 October 2020

Upcoming deadlines and events

There are no deadlines and events

Past deadlines and events

12 November 2019 - Preliminary Meeting


Preliminary Meeting

13 November 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 1


Issue Specific Hearing on the draft Development Consent Order

13 November 2019 - Open Floor Hearing 1


Open Floor Hearing

14 November 2019 - Issue Specific Hearing 2


Issue Specific Hearing on Environmental Matters including HRA

19 November 2019 - Issue by the ExA of


• Rule 8 Letter • Examination Timetable • A Compulsory Acquisition Objections schedule • Written Questions

25 November 2019 - Deadline 1


Deadline 1

Deadline for receipt of: • Submission of post-hearing documents including any written submissions of oral case • Revised draft DCO and Schedule of Changes • Applicant’s updated HRA Matrices to inform the RIES • Nominations of suggested locations and justifications for site inspections for consideration by the ExA • Notification by Statutory Parties of wish to be considered an Interested Party • Any other information as requested by the ExA

10 December 2019 - Deadline 2


Deadline 2

Deadline for receipt of: • Written Representations • Summaries of Relevant Representations exceeding 1500 words • Summaries of all Written Representations exceeding 1500 words • Local Impact Reports • Responses to ExA’s Written Questions • Initial Statements of Common Ground • Schedule of Mitigation • Notification of wish to speak at a Compulsory Acquisition Hearing • Notification of wish to make oral representations at the Issue Specific Hearings in January 2020 • Notification of wish to speak at Open Floor Hearing • Any other information as requested by the ExA

19 December 2019 - Deadline 3


Deadline 3

Deadline for receipt of: • Comments on responses to ExA’s Written Questions • Comments on Written Representations • Comments on LIRs • Comments on the updated HRA Matrices • Updated Guide to the Application • Implications for the Norfolk Boreas Application for Development Consent of any SoS decision on the Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Windfarm application; • Any other information as requested by the ExA

24 December 2019 - Notification by the ExA of


further hearings and Accompanied Site Inspection

21 January 2020 - Issue Specific Hearing 3


Issue Specific Hearing on onshore effects including the draft Development Consent Order

22 January 2020 - Issue Specific Hearing 4


Issue Specific Hearing on offshore effects including the draft Development Consent Order

23 January 2020 - Accompanied Site Inspection


Accompanied Site Inspection

30 January 2020 - Deadline 4


Deadline 4

Deadline for receipt of: • Post hearing submissions from hearings • Revised draft DCO and Schedule of Changes • Any other information as requested by the ExA

12 February 2020 - Publication by the ExA


Further Written Questions

18 February 2020 - Notification by the ExA


Further hearings and Accompanied Site Inspection

26 February 2020 - Deadline 5


Deadline 5

Deadline for receipt of: • Responses to Further Written Questions • Any other information as requested by the ExA

5 March 2020 - Deadline 6


Deadline 6

Deadline for receipt of: • Comments on responses to Further Written Questions • An Updated Compulsory Acquisition Objections schedule • Updated Statements of Common Ground • Updated Guide to the Application • Any other information as requested by the ExA

23 March 2020 - Publication by the ExA


Issue of third round of written questions

31 March 2020 - Deadline 7


Deadline 7

Deadline for receipt of: • Responses to third round of written questions • Revised draft DCO and Schedule of Changes

7 April 2020 - Publication by the ExA of


The Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES)

8 April 2020 - Deadline 8


Deadline 8

Deadline for receipt of: • Comments on responses to third round of written questions • Comments on revised draft DCO and Schedule of Changes • Updated Statements of Common Ground • Any other information as requested by the ExA

28 April 2020 - Publication by the ExA of


Fourth round of Written Questions

29 April 2020 - Deadline 9


Deadline 9 Deadline for receipt of: • Comments on the RIES • Updated Guide to the Application • Updated Statements of Common Ground • Submissions on the implications for the Norfolk Boreas Application of the representations made in relation to the SoS consultation on the Norfolk Vanguard and any other relevant offshore Wind Farm applications • Any other information as requested by the ExA

6 May 2020 - Deadline 10


Deadline 10 Deadline for receipt of: • Responses to comments on the RIES • Responses to fourth round of written questions • Updated draft DCO and Schedule of Changes • Updated Statements of Common Ground • Updated Compulsory Acquisition Objections schedule • Comments on the submissions on the implications for the Norfolk Boreas Application of the representations made in relation to the SoS consultation on the Norfolk Vanguard and any other relevant offshore Wind Farm applications • Any other information as requested by the ExA

11 May 2020 - Deadline 11


Deadline 11 Deadline for receipt of: • Comments on responses to fourth round of written questions • Final draft DCO and Schedule of Changes to be submitted by the Applicant in the SI template with the SI template validation report • Final Note on Requirements and Conditions in the Development Consent Order • Final Guide to the Application • Final Compulsory Acquisition Objections schedule • Final signed Statements of Common Ground (or confirmatory email if parties are unable to sign it) • Final updated version of the Book of Reference

19 May 2020 - Publication by the ExA of the


Publication by the ExA of:

• Rule 8(3) change to the timetable and questionnaire on the use of teleconferencing and/or video conferencing technologies for hearings

26 May 2020 - Deadline 12


Deadline 12

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

• Responses to the questionnaire on the use of teleconferencing and /or video conferencing technologies for hearings

2 June 2020 - Publication


Publication by the ExA of notification of date, time and outline arrangements for virtual hearings on 30 June - 3 July 2020 and 7 - 10 July 2020 and of reserved virtual hearings on 14 - 17 July 2020 and 21 - 24 July 2020

2 July 2020 - Open Floor Hearing 2


Virtual Open Floor Hearing

14 July 2020 - Open Floor Hearing 3a


Virtual Open Floor Hearing - Oulton area

15 July 2020 - Open Floor Hearing 3b


Virtual Open Floor Hearing - Necton area

16 July 2020 - Open Floor Hearing 3c


Virtual Open Floor Hearing - Cawston area

17 July 2020 - Open Floor Hearing 3d


Virtual Open Floor Hearing - Happisburgh area

21 July 2020 - Issue Specific Hearing 5a


Virtual Issue Specific Hearing - offshore ornithology

22 July 2020 - Issue Specific Hearing 5b


Virtual Issue Specific Hearing - Haisborough Hammond and Winterton Special Area of Conservation

23 July 2020 - Issue Specific Hearing 5c


Virtual Issue Specific Hearing - Marine Mammals

24 July 2020 - Issue Specific Hearing 5d


Virtual Issue Specific Hearing - Draft Development Consent Order and other matters

29 July 2020 - Deadline 13


Deadline 13

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

• Written summaries of oral contributions at Hearings (if required) • Post hearing submissions requested by the ExA (if required) • Any other information as requested by the ExA

11 August 2020 - Publication by


Publication by the ExA of:

• Fifth round of Written Questions

25 August 2020 - Deadline 14


Deadline 14

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

• Responses to fifth round of Written Questions • Any other information as requested by the ExA

1 September 2020 - Deadline 15


Deadline 15

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

• Comments on responses to fifth round of Written Questions • Any other information as requested by the ExA

28 September 2020 - Deadline 16


Deadline 16
Deadline for receipt of:
• Details of updated compensatory measures for Flamborough and Filey Coast SPA from the Applicant and Natural England • Update on the agreed mechanism for managing underwater noise in the Southern North Sea from Natural England and the MMO • Comments on responses to Deadline 15 • Any other information as requested by the ExA

7 October 2020 - Deadline 17


Deadline 17

Deadline for receipt of:
• Comments on responses to Deadline 16 • Any other information as requested by the ExA

12 October 2020 - Deadline 18


Deadline 18

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

• Final draft DCO, Explanatory Memorandum and Schedule of Changes to be submitted by the Applicant in the SI template with the SI template validation report • Final Guide to the Application • Final Note on Requirements and Conditions in the Development Consent Order • Final updated version of the Book of Reference • Final Statements of Common Ground with confirmatory email from relevant party, or confirmation that the Final SoCGs submitted at Deadline 11 (11 May) remain unchanged • Final Compulsory Acquisition Schedule • Any other information as requested by the ExA