View examination library (PDF, 308KB) containing document reference numbers
Recommendation Report
(PDF, 2MB)
Development Consent Order as Made by the Secretary of State
(PDF, 215KB)
Secretary of State Decision Letter
(PDF, 308KB)
Regulation 23 Notice - Notification of Decision Letter
(PDF, 113KB)
Notification of Decision Letter
(PDF, 118KB)
Examination Library
(PDF, 308KB)
From Examination Library
Notification of completion of the ExA's Examination
(PDF, 100KB)
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2C - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9E: Great Crested Newt Survey Report (Version 1) (Tracked)
(PDF, 2MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 14.2 - Table of Amendments to the draft DCO
(PDF, 133KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2C - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9C: Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Version 1) (Tracked)
(PDF, 5MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - Document 7.5H Landscaping and Biodiversity Management and Enhancement Plan (Version 4) (Clean)
(PDF, 3MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submisssion - Document 7.3D Framework Construction Environmental Management Plan (Version 2) (Clean)
(PDF, 3MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - Document 7.3C Framework Construction Environmental Management Plan (Version 2) (Tracked)
(PDF, 3MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2D - Environmental Statement Volume I, Chapter 9: Ecology (Version 2) (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2D - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9G: Bat Survey Report (Version 1) (Clean)
(PDF, 4MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2D - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9C: Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Version 1) (Clean)
(PDF, 5MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 2.1K - draft DCO (Version 6) (Tracked)
(PDF, 159KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 2.1L - draft DCO (Version 6) (Clean)
(PDF, 159KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 4.2E - Schedule of Other Consents and Licenses (Version 3) (Tracked)
(PDF, 597KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2D - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9A: Legislation and Planning Policy (Version 1) (Clean)
(PDF, 309KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 1.3G - Updated Navigation Document
(PDF, 584KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2D - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9E: Great Crested Newt Survey Report (Version 1) (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 submission - 4.3A Habitats Regulations No Significant Effects Report (Version 1) (Tracked)
(PDF, 1MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 4.2F - Schedule of Other Consents and Licenses (Version 3) (Clean)
(PDF, 595KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2C - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9A: Legislation and Planning Policy (Version 1) (Tracked)
(PDF, 313KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2C - Environmental Statement Volume I, Chapter 9: Ecology (Version 2) (Tracked)
(PDF, 928KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2C - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9I: Riparian Mammal Survey Report (Version 1) (Tracked)
(PDF, 1MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2D - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9I: Riparian Mammal Survey Report (Version 1) (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission- 4.3B - Habitats Regulations No Significant Effects Report (Version 1) (Clean)
(PDF, 964KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2C - Environmental Statement Volume II, Appendix 9G: Bat Survey Report (Version 1) (Tracked)
(PDF, 4MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 14.1 - Covering Letter
(PDF, 444KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 7 Submisssion - Document 7.5G Landscaping and Biodiversity Management and Enhancement Plan (Version 4) (Tracked)
(PDF, 3MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Request for Further Information from the Applicant - Rule 17
(PDF, 112KB)
Deadline 6 Submission - Cover Email
(PDF, 143KB)
From West Lindsey District Council
Deadline 6 Submission - Responses to Rule 17 request
(PDF, 116KB)
From Bassetlaw District Council
Deadline 6 Submission - 4.2C - Schedule of Other Consents and Licenses (Version 2) (Tracked)
(PDF, 600KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - 2.1J - draft DCO (Version 5) (Clean)
(PDF, 162KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - Responses to any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the EPR
(PDF, 191KB)
From Natural England
Deadline 6 Submission - Local policies of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan which were identified in the LIR
(PDF, 476KB)
From West Lindsey District Council
Deadline 6 Submission - 2.1I - draft DCO (Version 5) (Tracked)
(PDF, 163KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - 13.3 - Note on Policy Compliance
(PDF, 849KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - Comments on responses submitted for Deadline 5
(PDF, 152KB)
From Peter Coomber
Deadline 6 Submission - 1.3F - Updated Navigation Document
(PDF, 571KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - 13.1 - Cover Letter
(PDF, 249KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - 7.3B - Framework Construction Environmental Management Plan (Version 1) (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - 7.3A - Framework Construction Environmental Management Plan (Version 1) (Tracked)
(PDF, 2MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - Draft Gainsborough Neighbourhood Plan
(PDF, 135KB)
From West Lindsey District Council
Deadline 6 Submission - 13.2 - Table of Amendments to the draft DCO
(PDF, 138KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - 4.2D - Schedule of Other Consents and Licenses (Version 2) (Clean)
(PDF, 595KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - Full copy of Central Lincolnshire Local Plan
(PDF, 4MB)
From West Lindsey District Council
Request for Further Information from the Applicant, Bassetlaw District Council, West Lindsey District and Natural England – Rule 17
(PDF, 120KB)
Deadline 5 Submission - 1.3E Updated Navigation Document
(PDF, 567KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - Response to Rule 17 request
(PDF, 741KB)
From Canal and River Trust
Deadline 5 Submission - 7.6F Framework Construction Traffic Management Plan (Revision 3) (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 12.5 Memo - Abnormal Indivisible Loads and Transportation
(PDF, 294KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 12.6 Table of Amendments to the draft DCO
(PDF, 432KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 7.6E Framework Construction Traffic Management Plan (Revision 3) (Tracked)
(PDF, 2MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 5.2A Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 9 - Ecology (Version 1) (Tracked)
(PDF, 2MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 2.1G draft DCO (Version 4) (Tracked)
(PDF, 420KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 5.2B Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 9 - Ecology (Version 1) (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - Plan showing extent of masonry bank
(PDF, 359KB)
From Canal and River Trust
Deadline 5 Submission - 2.1H draft DCO (Version 4) (Clean)
(PDF, 294KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 12.2 SoCG with Nottinghamshire County Council
(PDF, 992KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 12.1 Covering Letter
(PDF, 229KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 7.5E Landscaping and Biodiversity Management and Enhancement Plan (Revision 3) (Tracked)
(PDF, 3MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 12.3 Memo - Canal and River Trust outstanding matters
(PDF, 1MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 12.4 Memo - Spoil Management
(PDF, 377KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 5 Submission - 7.5F Landscaping and Biodiversity Management and Enhancement Plan (Revision 3) (Clean)
(PDF, 3MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the ExA
(PDF, 309KB)
From Canal and River Trust
Request for Further Information from the Applicant and the Canal and River Trust - Rule 17
(PDF, 120KB)
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.5C Landscape and Biodiversity Management Enhancement Plan (Revision 2) (Tracked)
(PDF, 997KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 11.2 Written summary of oral submissions made at OFH and ISH
(PDF, 113KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.6D Framework Construction Traffic Management Plan (Revision 2) (Clean)
(PDF, 883KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.1F draft DCO (Version 3) (Clean)
(PDF, 213KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.6C Framework Construction Traffic Management Plan (Revision 2) (Tracked)
(PDF, 888KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 11.8 Development Consent Order examples in relation to Environmental Permits
(PDF, 136KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Non-Registered Interested Party submission accepted at the discretion of the ExA, regarding the use of the River Trent
(PDF, 2MB)
From Commercial Boat Operators Association (CBOA)
Deadline 4 Submission
(PDF, 217KB)
From Canal and River Trust
Deadline 4 Submission - 11.6 Memo - Soil Management
(PDF, 32KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 11.5 Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust SoCG
(PDF, 1MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.5D Landscape and Biodiversity Management Enhancement Plan (Revision 2) (Clean)
(PDF, 836KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 11.7 Memo - Updates to the Framework Construction Traffic Management Plan
(PDF, 38KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 11.9 Table of Amendments to the draft DCO
(PDF, 143KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 11.4 Memo - Biodiversity Loss and Gain Calculations
(PDF, 64KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 11.1 Covering Letter
(PDF, 168KB)
From EDF Energy (Thernal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 1.3D Navigation Document
(PDF, 431KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.1E draft DCO (Version 3) (Tracked)
(PDF, 170KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Post-hearing submission including written summary of oral case
(PDF, 113KB)
From Cllr James Naish on behalf of Sturton Ward, Bassetlaw District Council
Deadline 4 Submission - 11.3 The Formal Response of Bole Villages, together with the Applicant’s Response for Deadline 4
(PDF, 217KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Environment Agency response to FoI request
(PDF, 88KB)
From Peter Coomber
Examining Authority's note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection - 22 January 2020
(PDF, 78KB)
Recording of ISH on Environmental Matters and the draft DCO - 22 January 2020
(PDF, 31KB)
Recording of Open Floor Hearing (OFH) - 21 January 2020
(PDF, 31KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the ExA - Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) with Bassetlaw District Council
(PDF, 4MB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Accompanied Site Inspection Itinerary - 21 January 2020
(PDF, 844KB)
Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing (ISH) on Environmental Matters and the draft DCO - 22 January 2020
(PDF, 135KB)
Agenda for Open Floor Hearing (OFH) - 21 January 2020
(PDF, 92KB)
Deadline 3 Submission - 10.4 - The Biodiversity Metric 2.0 – Calculation Tool
(PDF, 697KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 1.3C - Updated Navigation Document
(PDF, 419KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 10.1 - Cover Letter
(PDF, 120KB)
From EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited