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Advice to Anonymous

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Date advice given
14 August 2018
Enquiry type

Query about the proposed development

Advice given

Thank you for your email in relation to the Riverside Energy Park project (EN010093).

Please accept my apology for the delay in responding to your email.

As the project has not yet been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (the Inspectorate), I would encourage you to contact the developer directly ( to make your concerns heard as the Applicant has a statutory duty to take your views into account.

However, if you feel that your comments are not being considered and you need further information, I would advise you to write to your Local Authority (LA) and set out your concerns. Your comments will be considered when the LA provides its comments to the Inspectorate on whether the Applicant has fulfilled its consultation duties. The LA’s comments on the Applicant’s consultation will be taken into account when the Acceptance Inspector makes his/ her decision whether to accept the application for examination.

Should the application be accepted by the Planning Inspectorate for examination, the Applicant has a duty to notify the local community when providing information on how to register as an Interested Party for the purpose of the process.

The process under the Planning Act 2008 (PA 2008) has been designed to allow members of the public and statutory stakeholders to participate in examination of all DCO applications. During the examination of an application the Examining Authority (ExA) has a duty to take into account all matters assessed by the Applicant in the Environmental Statement and may ask additional questions as required.

More information is provided in the Planning Inspectorate’s Advice notes Advice Note 8: Overview of the nationally significant infrastructure planning process for members of the public and others.

At the current pre-application stage we would recommend you look at Advice note 8.1. Responding to the developer’s pre-application consultation.

If the application is accepted for examination please look at Advice Note 8.2. How to register to participate in an Examination. By submitting a Relevant Representation during the pre-examination stage you as an individual and/or on behalf of a group are in position to highlight particular planning matters.

We have also published a document Section 47 - Community Consultation. Frequently Asked Questions regarding Pre-application consultation which may address some of your queries. However, please note that it is for the Applicant to decide how to carry out non-statutory and statutory consultation, and there is no statutory requirement under PA2008 for the Applicant to consult on the content of a Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC).

Please be assured that anyone interested in the proposed developments, their potential impacts and any planning matters can be fully engaged in the examination process. A copy of your correspondence has been placed on our records and will be presented to the Inspector at acceptance together with the application documents and Local Authorities’ comments on the Applicant’s consultation.

If you require any further advice about the National Infrastructure process please contact the Riverside Energy Park Case team at the Planning Inspectorate. They can be contacted by email via the project mailbox at or via the Customer Services Team on telephone number 0303 444 5000.

Please note, in accordance with Section 51 of the PA2008, a summary of your query and our advice will be published on the project’s webpage of the National Infrastructure Website.