Deadline 1 Submission - Notification of wish to attend Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI)
(PDF, 1KB)
O Boston Borough Council
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.19: East Marine Plan Policy Checklist
(PDF, 3MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.5: Addendum to Fuel Availability and Waste Hierarchy Assessment
(PDF, 2MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Notification of wish make oral representations at an Issue Specific Hearing (ISH)
(PDF, 1KB)
O Boston Borough Council
Deadline 1 Submission - Local Impact Report (LIR)
(PDF, 739KB)
O Lincolnshire County Council
Deadline 1 Submission - Summaries of Relevant Representations (RR) exceeding 1500 words
(PDF, 484KB)
O Boston Borough Council
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.7: Climate Change - Comparative Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Road and Marine Vessel Transport Options to the Site
(PDF, 808KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Comments on Relevant Representations (RRs)
(PDF, 59MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Western Power Distribution (East Midlands) Plc
(PDF, 23MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Chapter 14 Updates Figures 14.6 - 14.15
(PDF, 29MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Port of Boston
(PDF, 1MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Summaries of all Written Representations (WR) exceeding 1500 words
(PDF, 509KB)
O Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 1 Submission - Summaries of all Written Representations (WR) exceeding 1500 words
(PDF, 159KB)
O Environment Agency
Deadline 1 Submission - 7.3: Outline Written Scheme of Investigation (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Lincolnshire County Council
(PDF, 9MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 7.6: Register of Environmental Actions and Commitments (Clean)
(PDF, 763KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.9: Appendix 14.5 - Human Health Risk Assessment
(PDF, 1MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Marine Management Organisation
(PDF, 7MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Boston Borough Council
(PDF, 11MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Anglian Water
(PDF, 4MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words
(PDF, 78KB)
O Environment Agency
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.15: Addendum to Chapter 17 and Appendix 17.1 - Benthic Ecology, Fish and Habitats
(PDF, 666KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Historic England
(PDF, 3MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.14: Addendum to Environmental Statement Chapter 17 and Appendix 17.1 - Marine Mammals
(PDF, 4MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.10: Appendix 14.6 - Abnormal Emissions Assessment
(PDF, 3MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 6.2.14: Chapter 14 - Air Quality (Clean)
(PDF, 12MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 6.2.9: Chapter 9 - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (Clean)
(PDF, 667KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 6.4.15: Appendix 14.2: Dispersion Modelling Methodology (Clean)
(PDF, 590KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.3: Statement of Commonality
(PDF, 381KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.11: Response to Relevant Representation submitted by Public Health England in respect of electromagnetic fields
(PDF, 375KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 6.2.9: Chapter 9 - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (Tracked)
(PDF, 683KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Notification of wish make oral representations at an Issue Specific Hearing (ISH)
(PDF, 142KB)
O Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Late submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority – Summary of Relevant Representation
(PDF, 368KB)
O Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.12: Outline Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol
(PDF, 2MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.17: Wharf Construction Outline Methodology
(PDF, 567KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.1: Cover Letter
(PDF, 289KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.6: Climate Change - Further Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis and Consideration of Waste Composition Scenarios
(PDF, 736KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Written Representations (WRs)
(PDF, 6MB)
O Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 1 Submission - 7.6: Register of Environmental Actions and Commitments (Tracked)
(PDF, 848KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 7.3: Outline Written Scheme of Investigation
(PDF, 523KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.20: Schedule of changes to the Draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 502KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.4: Outline Surface Water Drainage Strategy
(PDF, 27MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 6.4.16: Appendix 14.3 Tabulated Assessment Results
(PDF, 661KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Public Health England
(PDF, 22MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and the Environment Agency
(PDF, 6MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 6.2.14: Chapter 14: Air Quality (Tracked)
(PDF, 13MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Notification of wish to attend Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI)
(PDF, 123KB)
O Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.16: Boston Alternative Energy Facility Examination Technical Note: Updated Piling Noise Assessment
(PDF, 354KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 7.3: Outline Written Scheme of Investigation (Tracked)
(PDF, 1MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - 9.8: Appendix 14.4 - Analysis of SO2 and O3 Concentrations to Justify Adoption of the Less Stringent Daily Mean NOx Critical Level for Protection of Vegetation
(PDF, 993KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 Submission - Comments on Relevant Representations (RRs)
(PDF, 313KB)
O Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 1 Submission - 2.1: Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked)
(PDF, 681KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 1 submission – notification of wish to attend Issue Specific Hearing
(PDF, 155KB)
O Lincolnshire County Council
Deadline 1 Submission
(PDF, 536KB)
O Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
Deadline 1 submission – notification of wish to attend Accompanied Site Inspection
(PDF, 89KB)
O Jenny Mason
Deadline 1 Submission
(PDF, 512KB)
O Natural England
Deadline 1 submission – Written representations (WR), summary of WR and good practice guide
(PDF, 6MB)
O Shlomo Dowen on behalf of the United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN)
The Examining Authority's draft Accompanied Site Inspection Itinerary
(PDF, 145KB)
Rule 8 – notification of timetable for the examination
(PDF, 313KB)
Examining Authority’s first round of written questions (ExQ1)
(PDF, 256KB)
Preliminary Meeting Note
(PDF, 155KB)
Editable Word version of the Examining Authority's First Written Questions
(Word, 96KB)
O First Written Questions
Recording of Preliminary Meeting - Part 2 - Session 1 - 7 October 2021
(PDF, 73KB)
Recording of Preliminary Meeting - Part 2 - Session 2 - 7 October 2021
(PDF, 73KB)
Updated agenda for the Preliminary Meeting Part 2
(PDF, 78KB)
Procedural Deadline B Submission - Written submissions on Examination procedure including responses to matters raised orally at the Preliminary Meeting Part 1; and the Applicant’s request to be heard orally at Preliminary Meeting Part 2
(PDF, 267KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Procedural Deadline B Submission - Written submissions on Examination procedure including responses to matters raised orally at the Preliminary Meeting Part 1
(PDF, 176KB)
O Lincolnshire County Council
Procedural Deadline B Submission - Written submissions on the Examination procedure including responses to matters raised orally at the Preliminary Meeting Part 1; Requests to be heard orally at the Preliminary Meeting Part 2 and comments on the Applicant’s draft Accompanied Site Inspection itinerary
(PDF, 184KB)
O Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Procedural Deadline B Submission - Comments on the Applicant’s draft Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) itinerary
(PDF, 3KB)
O Kevin Blanchard
Procedural Deadline B Submission - Written submissions on Examination procedure including responses to matters raised orally at the Preliminary Meeting Part 1; comments on the Applicant’s draft Accompanied Site Inspection itinerary and a request to reserve the right to be heard orally at the Preliminary Meeting Part 2.
(PDF, 148KB)
O Environment Agency
Procedural Deadline B Submission - Written submissions on Examination procedure including responses to matters raised orally at the Preliminary Meeting Part 1
(PDF, 189KB)
O Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
Procedural Deadline B Submission
(PDF, 149KB)
O Boston Borough Council
Recording of preliminary meeting - 28 September 2021
(PDF, 73KB)
This document is intended to assist Interested Parties, it is not verbatim. The content is produced using artificial intelligence voice to text and is unedited. The video recording remains as the primary record of the event.
(PDF, 73KB)
O Preliminary Meeting Part 1 - Transcript - 28 September 2021
Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening
(PDF, 112KB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission - Late Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 179KB)
O Natural England
Procedural Deadline A Submission - Applicant’s draft Accompanied Site Inspection itinerary
(PDF, 405KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Procedural Deadline A Submission
(PDF, 104KB)
O United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN)
Procedural Deadline A Submission - Comments on procedure and the Preliminary Meeting
(PDF, 133KB)
O Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission - Written submissions on the Examination procedure including any submissions about the use of virtual procedures
(PDF, 143KB)
O Environment Agency
Procedural Deadline A Submission - Requests to be heard orally at the Preliminary Meeting Part 1
(PDF, 177KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Rule 4 and Rule 6 - Appointment of the Examining Authority and invitation to the Preliminary Meeting
(PDF, 394KB)
Note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection of 6 July 2021
(PDF, 58KB)
Certificates of Compliance with Section 56 Certificate and Regulation 16 of the Planning Act 2008
(PDF, 900KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Certificate of Compliance with Section 59 of the Planning Act 2008
(PDF, 61KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Applicant’s S56 notice of accepted application
(PDF, 88KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Rule 4 Letter - Notification of the appointment of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 98KB)
5.1 Consultation Report - Appendix 1 - Consultation Compliance Checklist
(PDF, 4MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
5.1 Consultation Report
(PDF, 2MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
5.1 Consultation Report - Appendix 3 - Phase One Consultation - Part 2
(PDF, 31MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
5.1 Consultation Report - Appendix 5 - Phase Three Consultation - Part 2
(PDF, 33MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
1.2 Application Guide
(PDF, 411KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
1.4 Section 55 Checklist
(PDF, 392KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
2.1 Draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 631KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
6.2.8 Environmental Statement - Chapter 8 - Cultural Heritage
(PDF, 1MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
3.2 Funding Statement
(PDF, 340KB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
5.1 Consultation Report - Appendix 4 - Phase Two Consultation
(PDF, 31MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
5.1 Consultation Report - Appendix 6 - Phase Four Consultation
(PDF, 26MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
5.1 Consultation Report - Appendix 5 - Phase Three Consultation - Part 1
(PDF, 19MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
6.2.3 Environmental Statement - Chapter 3 - Policy and Legislation
(PDF, 1MB)
O Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited