View examination library (PDF, 525KB) containing document reference numbers
Deadline 10 Submission - Response to the Final Development Consent Order (DCO)
(PDF, 258KB)
From Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 10 Submission - Appendix F7 - Comments on draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) [REP9-003] and Schedule of Changes to dDCO [REP9-028]
(PDF, 132KB)
From Natural England
Deadline 10 Submission - Final comments on the Development Consent Order (DCO), Comments on any information submitted by the Applicant or Interested Parties at Deadline 9 and closing position.
(PDF, 191KB)
From Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
Deadline 10 Submission - Cover Letter
(PDF, 298KB)
From Natural England
Deadline 10 Submission - Comments on the Applicant’s Without Prejudice Derogation Case: Compensation Measures [REP8-005]
(PDF, 352KB)
From Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 10 Submission - Response to comments on the Fifth Report on Outstanding Submissions [REP9-033]
(PDF, 283KB)
From Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 10 Submission - 9.4(2) Outline Surface and Foul Water Drainage Strategy (Tracked)
(PDF, 14MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (Tracked) (Unsigned)
(PDF, 9MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - 4.4(1) Illustrative Landscape Plans
(PDF, 13MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - 4.10(1) Indicative Electrical and Water Connection Plan
(PDF, 13MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Appendix B9 - Comments on Final Waterbird Survey Report [REP9-032]
(PDF, 142KB)
From Natural England
Deadline 10 Submission - Email correspondence
(PDF, 679KB)
From The Boston and Fosdyke Fishing Society
Deadline 10 Submission - 9.3(4) Statement of Commonality
(PDF, 444KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Update on Environment Agency Position
(PDF, 80KB)
From Environment Agency
Deadline 10 Submission - 7.4(3) Outline Landscape and Ecological Mitigation Strategy (Clean)
(PDF, 31MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - 9.102 Cover Letter
(PDF, 358KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - 6.3.24(1) Chapter 16 Figures 16.1 - 16.8
(PDF, 22MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - 1.2(9) Application Guide
(PDF, 931KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Withdrawal of Relevant Representation [RR-002]
(PDF, 91KB)
From Western Power Distribution (East Midlands) PLC
Deadline 10 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and the Environment Agency (Clean) (Signed)
(PDF, 7MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - 9.4(2) Outline Surface and Foul Water Drainage Strategy (Clean)
(PDF, 14MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Comments on the Final Waterbird Survey Report [REP9-032]
(PDF, 151KB)
From Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Notification of completion of the Examining Authority’s Examination
(PDF, 134KB)
Deadline 10 Submission - 9.100 Final Draft Section 106 Agreement (Clean)
(PDF, 5MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Natural England (Clean) (Signed)
(PDF, 45MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and the Environment Agency (Tracked)
(PDF, 7MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Boston Borough Council (Tracked) (Unsigned)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Response to Applicant's Document 9.99 [REP9-033]
(PDF, 420KB)
From United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN)
Deadline 10 Submission - 4.9(2) Indicative Generating Station Plan
(PDF, 12MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Response to the Examining Authority’s Rule 17 Questions
(PDF, 537KB)
From Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 10 Submission - 6.3.13(1) Chapter 9 Figure 9.21
(PDF, 9MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - 6.3.2(1) Chapter 5 Figures 5.1 - 5.3
(PDF, 12MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - 7.4(3) Outline Landscape and Ecological Mitigation Strategy (Tracked)
(PDF, 31MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - 9.106 Applicant’s Response to the Rule 17 Letter
(PDF, 7MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Additional submission, accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority. 6.4.18(1) Appendix 17.1 Habitats Regulations Assessment (Tracked) To replace REP9-012
(PDF, 7MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Additional submission, accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority. 9.77(1) Worst Case Assessment for Land Raising (Tracked). To replace REP9-025
(PDF, 7MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Additional submission, accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority. 9.77(1) Worst Case Assessment for Land Raising (Clean). To replace REP9-026
(PDF, 7MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Additional submission, accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority. 6.4.18(1) Appendix 17.1 Habitats Regulations Assessment (Clean) To replace REP9-013
(PDF, 6MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Rule 17 - Request for further information
(PDF, 177KB)
Deadline 9 Submission
(PDF, 192KB)
From Roythornes Limited on behalf of The Boston Fosdyke Fishing Society
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Port of Boston (Clean)
(PDF, 8MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.97 Navigation Summary
(PDF, 499KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) (Tracked)
(PDF, 581KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 1.2(8) Application Guide
(PDF, 816KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 6.2.17 (1) Chapter 17 Marine and Coastal Ecology (Clean)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 6.4.18(1) Appendix 17.1 Habitats Regulations Assessment (Tracked)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 2.1(5) Final draft Development Consent Order (DCO) (Tracked)
(PDF, 723KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Anglian Water (Clean)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN) response to documents 9.86 and 9.90
(PDF, 355KB)
From United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN)
Deadline 9 Submission - Update on Environment Agency Position
(PDF, 89KB)
From Environment Agency
Deadline 9 Submission - 7.3(2) Outline Written Scheme of Investigation (Clean)
(PDF, 555KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 4.12 Roman Bank within the Order limits
(PDF, 6MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Ltd and Marine Management Organisation (Tracked)
(PDF, 7MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - Comments on the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES)
(PDF, 269KB)
From Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Deadline 9 Submission - Comments on the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) and Comments to any information submitted at Deadline 8.
(PDF, 220KB)
From Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
Deadline 9 Submission - 4.12 Roman Bank within the Order limits (lower resolution)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Comments on the Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES)
(PDF, 394KB)
From Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) (Clean)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.77(1) Worst Case Assessment for Land Raising (Tracked)
(PDF, 417KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 2.1(5) Final draft Development Consent Order (DCO) (Clean)
(PDF, 714KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 7.6(1) Register of Environmental Actions and Commitments (Clean)
(PDF, 826KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 2.3(1) Validation Report (Clean)
(PDF, 838KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 6.2.17 (1) Chapter 17 Marine and Coastal Ecology (Tracked)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 7.3(2) Outline Written Scheme of Investigation (Tracked)
(PDF, 562KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Western Power Distribution (East Midlands) Plc (Clean)
(PDF, 101MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Boston Borough Council (Clean)
(PDF, 13MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9 .98 Final Waterbird Survey Report
(PDF, 38MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Port of Boston Statement in Respect of the Applicants Proposed 22.3.2022 Navigation Management Plan Template and the Associated Navigation Risk Assessment
(PDF, 103KB)
From Port of Boston Ltd
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Lincolnshire County Council (Clean)
(PDF, 10MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.77(1) Worst Case Assessment for Land Raising (Clean)
(PDF, 402KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.100 Draft Section 106 Agreement
(PDF, 21MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.96 Schedule of Errata
(PDF, 307KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.99 Fifth Report on Outstanding Submissions
(PDF, 843KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Boston Borough Council (Tracked)
(PDF, 13MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.14(1) Addendum to Environmental Statement Chapter 17 and Appendix 17.1 - Marine Mammals (Tracked)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Appendix F6 – Comments on draft Development Consent Order (DCO) [REP8-003] and Schedule of Changes to draft DCO [REP8-016]
(PDF, 151KB)
From Natural England
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Western Power Distribution (East Midlands) Plc (Tracked)
(PDF, 22MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Historic England (Tracked)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) (formerly Public Health England) (Clean)
(PDF, 18MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Port of Boston (Tracked)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) (formerly Public Health England) (Tracked)
(PDF, 16MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Appendix J4 – Comments on Report on the Implications of European Sites (RIES) [PD-014]
(PDF, 173KB)
From Natural England
Deadline 9 Submission - 6.4.18(1) Appendix 17.1 Habitats Regulations Assessment (Clean)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Historic England (Clean)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Lincolnshire County Council (Tracked)
(PDF, 10MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.94 Final Schedule of Changes to the draft Development Consent Order (DCO) (Tracked)
(PDF, 416KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited and Anglian Water (Tracked)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Appendix B7 – Comments on Without Prejudice Habitats Regulations Assessment Derogation Case: Compensation Measures [REP8-005]
(PDF, 184KB)
From Natural England
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.101 The Applicant’s response to the Marico Review of the Navigation Risk Assessment
(PDF, 626KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Statement of Common Ground between Alternative Use Boston Projects Ltd and Marine Management Organisation (Clean)
(PDF, 7MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.14(1) Addendum to Environmental Statement Chapter 17 and Appendix 17.1 - Marine Mammals (Clean)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.93 The Applicant's Comments on the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES)
(PDF, 573KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Cover Letter
(PDF, 119KB)
From Natural England
Deadline 9 Submission - Appendix H8 – Risk and Issues Log Deadline 9
(application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, 94KB)
From Natural England
Late Deadline 9 submission - 9.44(1) Response to Environment Agency’s queries on Estuarine Processes (Clean). Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 441KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.44(1) Response to Environment Agency's queries on Estuarine Processes (Tracked)
(PDF, 440KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 7.6(1) Register of Environmental Actions and Commitments (Tracked)
(PDF, 890KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.92 Cover Letter
(PDF, 209KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - 9.3(3) Statement of Commonality
(PDF, 431KB)
From Alternative Use Boston Projects Limited
Deadline 9 Submission - Appendix E4 – Comments on Public Rights of Way – Outline Design Guide and Stopping Up Plan [REP8-007]
(PDF, 144KB)
From Natural England