View examination library (PDF, 355KB) containing document reference numbers
VPI Immingham NMC2 Amendment Order - Registration
(PDF, 78KB)
From Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ)
VPI Immingham NMC 2 - Decision Letter
(PDF, 199KB)
From Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ)
Response to Non-Material Change Consultation
(PDF, 165KB)
From DWD LLP on behalf of VPI Immingham B Limited
Regulation 7(3) Letter
(PDF, 158KB)
From Secretary of State
Natural England
(PDF, 477KB)
North Lincolnshire Council
(PDF, 217KB)
Environment Agency
(PDF, 79KB)
Correspondence between Planning Inspectorate and Secretary of State
(PDF, 325KB)
From Secretary of State
Natural England
(PDF, 141KB)
Non Material Change 2 - Parameter Change - Illustrative Drawing 01
(PDF, 4MB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - Schedule 12 Non Material Change Regulation 6 Notice
(PDF, 152KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - Application letter
(PDF, 394KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - The Immingham Open Cycle Gas Turbine Order 2020
(PDF, 740KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - The Immingham Open Cycle Gas Turbine (Correction) Order 2021
(PDF, 59KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - Schedule 12 - Proposed List of Consultees 10 November 2023
(PDF, 273KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - Updated Cumulative Assessment
(PDF, 229KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - Schedule 12 Non Material Change Regulation 7(3) Letter 10 November 2023
(PDF, 168KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - The Immingham Open Cycle Gas Turbine Amendment - No.2 Order
(PDF, 79KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - Application Supporting Letter - Attachment 1
(PDF, 226KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - The Immingham Open Cycle Gas Turbine (Amendment) Order 2023
(PDF, 156KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
Non Material Change 2 - Marked up copy of the Immingham Open Cycle Gas Turbine Order 2020
(PDF, 778KB)
From VPI Immingham B Limited
VPI 'B' - Amendment Order - registration
(PDF, 52KB)
From Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
VPI Immingham NMC - Decision Letter
(PDF, 166KB)
From Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Natural England
(PDF, 111KB)
Secretary of State letter requesting comments from the Applicant on the consultation responses received from the Environment Agency and North Lincolnshire Council
(PDF, 113KB)
From Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Environment Agency
(PDF, 307KB)
Witham Third District Internal Drainage Board
(PDF, 239KB)
North Lincolnshire Council
(PDF, 181KB)
Correction Order
(PDF, 59KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Development Consent Order
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Draft Amendment Order
(PDF, 353KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Reg 7(3) Letter - 16 August 2022
(PDF, 599KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Updated Cumulative Impact Assessment
(PDF, 214KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Marked up copy of the Development Consent Order
(PDF, 1MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Reg 6 Notice
(PDF, 613KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Proposed List of Consultees - 16 August 2022
(PDF, 531KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Cover Letter
(PDF, 586KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Draft Amendment Order Validation Email dated 29 September 2022
(PDF, 63KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Issued by the Secretary of State on 14 May 2021
(PDF, 164KB)
From The Immingham Open Cycle Gas Turbine - Correction Notice
Issued by the Secretary of State on 14 May 2021
(PDF, 59KB)
From The Immingham Open Cycle Gas Turbine - Correction Order 2021
Regulation 31 Notice
(PDF, 65KB)
Recommendation Report
(PDF, 3MB)
Secretary of State Decision Letter
(PDF, 322KB)
The DCO as published, including the Statutory Instrument number
(PDF, 740KB)
From Development Consent Order as Made by the Secretary of State
Habitats Regulation Assessment
(PDF, 933KB)
Post-Examination Submissions
(PDF, 287KB)
Notification of Consent Letter
(PDF, 137KB)
Response to the Secretary of State’s Further Consultation
(PDF, 298KB)
From Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP on behalf of CLH Pipeline System (CLH-PS) Limited
Letter from the Secretary of State seeking further comments from the Applicant and the Interested Parties
(PDF, 136KB)
From Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Response to the Secretary of State request for comments
(PDF, 269KB)
From CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP on behalf of Cadent Gas Limited
Response to the Secretary of State request for comments
(PDF, 86KB)
From Total Lindsey Oil Refinery Limited
Response to the Secretary of State request for comments
(PDF, 216KB)
From Hornsea 2 Companies
Response to the Secretary of State request for comments
(PDF, 151KB)
From Network Rail Infrastructure Limited
Response to the Secretary of State request for comments
(PDF, 327KB)
From Phillips 66 Limited
Response to the Secretary of State request for comments
(PDF, 387KB)
From Hornsea 1 Limited
Response to the Secretary of State request for comments
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Letter from the Secretary of State seeking comments from the Applicant and the Interested Parties
(PDF, 153KB)
From Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Examination Library
(PDF, 355KB)
Notification of the completion of the Examining Authority's Examination
(PDF, 128KB)
Additional submission received before the close of the Examination – Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 833KB)
From CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP on behalf of Cadent Gas Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 7.32 - Compulsory Acquisition Schedule
(PDF, 34KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - Position Statement
(PDF, 149KB)
From Addleshaw Goddard LLP on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 5.2 - Other Consents and Licences
(PDF, 398KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - Withdrawal of objection
(PDF, 101KB)
From National Grid
Deadline 7 Submission - Withdrawal of objection
(PDF, 187KB)
From BDB Pitmans LLP on behalf of Able UK Limited (Able)
Deadline 7 Submission - 2.14 - Draft Development Consent Order. Comparison to Deadline 5 Version
(PDF, 1MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - 1.2 - Application Guide (Rev 8.0)
(PDF, 584KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - Responses to comments on the Applicant’s draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 276KB)
From Total Lindsey Oil Refinery Limited
Deadline 7 Submission - 7.30 - Cover Letter
(PDF, 160KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - 2.15 - Table of changes made to Draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 116KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - 8.8 - Statement of Common Ground with Able Humber Ports (Rev 2.0)
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - Statement between the Applicant and Phillips 66 Limited
(PDF, 589KB)
From Pinsnet Mason LLP on behalf of VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - Responses to further information requested by the ExA
(PDF, 206KB)
From Highways England
Deadline 7 Submission - 8.10 - Statement of Commonality (Rev 2.0)
(PDF, 436KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - 2.13 - Draft Development Consent Order. Final
(PDF, 1MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 7 Submission - 7.31 - Applicant's Deadline 7 Response
(PDF, 602KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6a Submission - Responses to further information requested under Rule 17
(PDF, 302KB)
From Cadent Gas Limited
Deadline 6a Submission - 7.29 - Compulsory Acquisition Schedule
(PDF, 34KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6a Submission - Responses to further information requested under Rule 17
(PDF, 631KB)
From Burges Salmon LLP on behalf of Phillips 66 Limited
Deadline 6a Submission - Responses to further information requested under Rule 17
(PDF, 234KB)
From Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP on behalf of Hornsea 1 Limited
Deadline 6a Submission - 7.27 - Cover Letter
(PDF, 158KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6a Submission - Responses to further information requested under Rule 17
(PDF, 41KB)
From Addleshaw Goddard LLP on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited
Deadline 6a Submission - Responses to further information requested under Rule 17
(PDF, 91KB)
From Charles Russell Speechlys LLP on behalf of Air Products (BR) Limited
Deadline 6a Submission - 1.2 - Application Guide (Rev 7.0)
(PDF, 566KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6a Submission - Responses to further information requested under Rule 17
(PDF, 408KB)
From Savills Plc on behalf of Centrica Plc
Deadline 6a Submission - 7.28 - Applicant's Deadline 6a Response
(PDF, 413KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6a Submission - Responses to further information requested under Rule 17
(PDF, 123KB)
From The Environment Agency
Deadline 6a Submission - Responses to further information requested under Rule 17
(PDF, 236KB)
From Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP on behalf of Hornsea 2 Companies
Deadline 6a Submission - 8.1 - Statement of Common Ground with North Lincolnshire Council (Rev 7.0)
(PDF, 662KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Rule 17 - Request for Further Information and Rule 8(3) Variation to Timetable
(PDF, 121KB)
Deadline 6 Submission - 7.21 - Applicant’s Deadline 6 Cover Letter
(PDF, 175KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6 Submission - 7.26 - Compulsory Acquisition Schedule
(PDF, 34KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6 Submission - Comments on the Applicant’s draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 38KB)
From Addleshaw Goddard LLP on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - Comments on the Applicant’s draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 2MB)
From Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP on behalf of Hornsea 2 Companies
Deadline 6 Submission - 7.25 - Applicant's Response to Phillips 66 Limited's Deadline 5 Submission
(PDF, 782KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6 Submission - 7.24 - Protective Provisions – Hornsea 2 companies – DRAFT
(PDF, 71KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6 Submission - 1.2 - Application Guide – Rev 6.0
(PDF, 582KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' OCGT
Deadline 6 Submission - Comments on the Applicant’s draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 142KB)
From CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP on behalf of Cadent Gas Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - Comments on the Applicant’s draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 120KB)
From Burges Salmon LLP on behalf of Phillips 66 Limited
Deadline 6 Submission - Comments on the Applicant’s draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 2MB)
From Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP on behalf of Hornsea 1 Limited