View examination library (PDF, 355KB) containing document reference numbers
6.2.9 - ES Chapter 9 Ecology
(PDF, 677KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.1 - ES Figure 1.1 Site Location
(PDF, 3MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.10 - ES Figure 6.3 Operational Process Contribution to Short-Term NO2
(PDF, 1MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.12 - ES Figure 8.1 Baseline Noise Monitoring Locations and Sensitive Receptors
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.14 - ES Figure 10.1 Zone of Theoretical Visibility
(PDF, 6MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.17 - ES Figure 10.4 Viewpoint Location Plan
(PDF, 5MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.15 - ES Figure 10.2 Character Areas 2km
(PDF, 3MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.18- ES Figures 10.5-10.20 Viewpoint Photography
(PDF, 51MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.13 - ES Figure 8.2 Predicated Operational Sound Levels
(PDF, 3MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.11 - ES Figure 7.1 Road Network
(PDF, 3MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.19 - ES Figures 10.21-10.26 Photomontages
(PDF, 28MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.16 - ES Figure 10.3 Site Context
(PDF, 3MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.2 - ES Figure 3.1 Site Boundary
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.21 - ES Figure 13.1 Known Heritage Assets
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.23 - ES Figure 13.3 Designated Heritage Assets - Brocklesby Park
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.22 - ES Figure 13.2 Designated Heritage Assets
(PDF, 4MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.24 - ES Figure 13.4 Indicative Areas of Archaeological Investigation
(PDF, 854KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.3 - ES Figure 3.2 Parts of the Site
(PDF, 298KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.20 - ES Figure 12.1 Surface Water Features within the Study Area
(PDF, 3MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.25 - ES Figure 17.1 Other Developments Considered for Cumulative Impacts
(PDF, 3MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.6 - ES Figure 4.1c Example Elevations A
(PDF, 447KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.9 - ES Figure 6.2 Operational Process Contribution to Long-Term NO2
(PDF, 1MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.10 - Appendix 9A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
(PDF, 5MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.4 - ES Figure 4.1a Example Layout A
(PDF, 496KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.1 - ES - Appendix 1A Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report
(PDF, 9MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.8 - ES Figure 6.1 Air Quality Study Area and Receptor Locations
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.7 - ES Figure 4.1d Example Elevations B
(PDF, 454KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.3.5 - ES Figure 4.1b Example Layout B
(PDF, 523KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4 - Environmental Statement - Volume 3 (Technical Appendices) for the VPI Immingham OCGT Project
(PDF, 350KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.11 - ES Appendix 9B Great Crested Newt Survey Report
(PDF, 1MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.2 - ES Appendix 1B Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Opinion
(PDF, 8MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.20 - ES Appendix 10C Viewpoint Location Plan
(PDF, 4MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.14 - ES Appendix 9E Terrestrial Inverts
(PDF, 1MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.15 - ES Appendix 9F Reptiles
(PDF, 1MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.19 - ES Appendix 10B Viewpoint Locations
(PDF, 424KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.13 - ES Appendix 9D Breeding Birds
(PDF, 1MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.21 - ES Appendix 10D Photomontages Viewpoint K
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.17 - ES Appendix 9H Biodiversity Enhancement Management Plan
(PDF, 651KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.18 - ES Appendix 10A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Methodology
(PDF, 649KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.12 - ES Appendix 9C Wintering Birds
(PDF, 8MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.16 - ES Appendix 9G Botany
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.25 - ES Appendix 11D AECOM GIR
(PDF, 14MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.24 - ES Appendix 11C Socotec Factual GI Report
(PDF, 17MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.27 - ES Appendix 13A Designated Assets
(PDF, 328KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.3 - ES Appendix 4A Framework Construction Environmental Management Plan
(PDF, 826KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.30 - ES Appendix 13D Archaeology Report
(PDF, 7MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.22 - ES Appendix 11A Phase I Assessment
(PDF, 23MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.29- ES Appendix 13C Non-designated Assets
(PDF, 476KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.31 - ES Appendix 13E Framework Written Scheme of Investigation
(PDF, 822KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.23 - ES Appendix 11B Supplementary Phase 1
(PDF, 26MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.26 - ES Appendix 12A Flood Risk Assessment
(PDF, 30MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.28 - ES Appendix 13B Designated Assets Outside Site
(PDF, 456KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.7 - ES Appendix 7C Framework Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)
(PDF, 906KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.8 - ES Appendix 8A Noise Monitoring Data
(PDF, 286KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.5 - ES Appendix 7A Transport Assessment
(PDF, 5MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.6 - ES Appendix 7B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan (CWTP)
(PDF, 760KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.32 - ES Appendix 18A Commitments Register
(PDF, 487KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.9 - ES Appendix 8B Noise Modelling Settings and Assumptions
(PDF, 312KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
6.4.4 - ES Appendix 6A Air Quality Technical Appendix
(PDF, 835KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
3.2 - Statement of Reasons for the VPI Immingham OCGT Project
(PDF, 34KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
3.3 - Funding Statement for the VPI Immingham OCGT Project
(PDF, 2MB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
3.1 - Book of Reference for the VPI Immingham OCGT Project
(PDF, 34KB)
From VPI Immingham 'B' Ltd
Acknowledgement of S46 Notification
(PDF, 126KB)
S46 Notification
(, 0Bytes)
Late scoping consultation response
(PDF, 278KB)
From Health and Safety Executive
Adopted by the Secretary of State 16 July 2018
(PDF, 8MB)
From Scoping Opinion
Late scoping consultation response
(PDF, 81KB)
From Historic England
Scoping Report Submitted to the Secretary of State on 5th June 2016
(PDF, 8MB)
From VPI Immingham B Ltd